Wednesday 30 November 2011

Your Money - A "Lake" or a "River"?

During my early adult life, when I found myself in financial straits, I would actively seek the counsel of great books to gain perspective and to cope with the9A0-066 practice exam stress. During one such time, I was given a book, "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" by Deepak Chopra.Among the many topics discussed, one in particular has stayed with me all these years:The question of how one view's money.In a conversation with colleagues recently, I asked the following question: "How do you view your money - as a lake or as a river"? As an insulated lake, bound within its shores; or as a dynamic river flowing from person to person, venture to venture, nourishing everything it touches?
This may sound "New Age-y" but this simple metaphor applies well to our economy today.
Here's how:
A large part of our economy has turned stagnant - like a muddy lake. (And no, it's not all doom - some parts are flowing well.)
Consider housing: hundreds of billions of dollars tied-up in down payments, mortgage loans and foreclosures. This once-flowing sector is now a stinking, torpid mess.
When capital doesn't flow, bad things happen. Such as the recession in 2008 where investors, bankers - just about everyone stopped doing anything for fear of losing it all - and collectively brought the economy to the verge of collapse.
Switching metaphors, we turned a once flowing highway into a massive parking lot with no escape even for those with the will and resources to move.
Government Intervention Was Vital
Say and vote how you will, but thank your government for jumping into that torpid lake with9A0-066 practice exam a humongous shovel to get water flowing again. By injecting massive amounts of capital into our economy as bailouts, loans and guarantees, the government did its utmost to restore some flow to our massively stalled economic highways.
Economy Still Stuck
Today, much has changed but the economy is still stuck in the mud in so many ways, and will not flow until we've cleared our housing and banking problems. Too many of us are saddled with homes we cannot afford. Banks are saddled with bad loans and homes they do not want. The economy cannot get to its feet until these stalled mega-billions are freed for spending, new investments and hiring.
What Now?
What will it take to get us moving again? Will more government stimulus do the trick? Do we pile on even more debt? What if all this just doesn't work?
I have my theories on how this will all play out, but I know for sure that we must get the money flowing again. Foreclosures must move efficiently through courts. Banks must get their affairs in order and jump-start private and commercial lending.
I also have faith in the power and dynamism of the American people. We have and always will meet our challenges, and grow into a larger, more prosperous society - you can bank on that!
You Too Can Help
If money is a lake to you, do what you can to turn it into a river. If it's a river, increase its flow. Give to charities, invest, start a business,1D0-635 hire people. What you judiciously stream out could well flow back larger than before, for such is the nature of capital.
All this is a little New Age-y. But ancient as well - advocated within religion, science and society for centuries. This type of thinking will make you happier, spiritually and financially. So embrace it with open arms and let your money flow!

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