Saturday 31 December 2011

Chakra Number Five - The Throat Chakra - Vishuddha

What is Vishuddha,
The inner being is creatively expressed in truth
Physically this Chakra is associated with the throat, ears, mouth, the thyroid gland, and the neck and shoulders. Getting to know and work regularly 5A0-200 practice test with the throat Chakra, teaches us the value of purifying ourselves with honesty and having the confidence to express this creatively. We must work through the lower Chakras first to be able to open the throat Chakra in its positive sense.
Vishuddha out of balance.
When our throat Chakra is out of balance or unaligned we will feel afraid of communication, we believe that we have nothing of value to say and will be unheard. We will feel conflict within ourselves as the Chakra prompts us to be with our truth. We will have that argument with the other us, It is like the higher, wiser self makes us feel inadequate. We are separated and confused, doubting our beliefs, our creativity is likely to be blocked. Physically we could suffer with throat problems, loss of voice, mouth ulcers, hearing problems, neck ache, ear infections, 5A0-130 practice test teeth and gum trouble and thyroid imbalance., Eating disorders are also related to the throat Chakra.
Vishuddha in balance
When this Chakra is in balance and harmony, we experience wisdom from our higher self and so we feel strong in our convictions, committed to our causes and beliefs. There is no inner conflict, we are unrestricted by form and able to choose our path with clarity. We are able to express our true self and nature freely and openly. We feel relaxed and secure, we become direct, honest and self-confident. We learn that kind words lift and lighten the spirit. We learn to choose words that bring value to communication, words are expressed more slowly and with deeper meaning.
True communicators are heard and understood, they speak their truth, and are able to express all emotions without blame of another, they take responsibility for their words and beliefs. If we have trouble understanding what a person is saying it is likely that they are E20-017 not committed to what they think they believe, and so do not express clearly.
Affirmations for Vishudda
I can listen. I hear the cosmic sound within. I know when to speak and when not to speak. What I say has Value.

Chakra Number Four - The Heart Chakra - Anahata

Ok, I do hope you have read the previous articles and started to work with your energy centres, the benefits of this work are too many to mention here in these short articles, but I am sure that when you start this rewarding work on yourself, you CSSBB practice test will want to learn as much as you can about our Chakra System and how you can enhance the joy in your life.
So What is Anahata, well this is our heart Chakra, the first of the universal centres connecting us to higher power an unconditional love. This is the place of divine harmony. It is located in the centre of the chest and some people say its green, and some say pink, personally I feel a very vibrant green with pink flowing through it.
We all know that the physical heart keeps us alive, we know what love feels like, and we know how devastating it is to have our heart-broken, these feelings come through the Anahata. When we hurt like this, especially if we have experienced the feeling many times, we may shut our heart Chakra down, this is a cold and dark place to be.
The heart Chakra also relates physically to our lungs, arms, hands and our thymus gland.
The heart Chakra is placed in the centre of our Chakra System and prompts us to learn balance in all aspects of our being so ACMP3.3 practice test that we may reach unconditional love, peace and harmony.
The heart Chakra out of balance.
If the heart Chakra is unbalanced or unaligned, we can then expect to feel emotionally lost and lonely. We will feel needy, unable to stand-alone, depressed and resentful. We will take on the belief that we cannot trust others or the universe. Physically we could suffer with heart problems, high or low, blood pressure, asthma or allergies, breast problems, bronchial problems and a low immune system. We most likely will develop bad posture, due to closing down our heart Chakra.
With the heart chakra closed or unbalanced, life does not feel worth living, it is more like survival, of course it hurts, but we must learn that it is life experience for us to grow, closing the heart is to slowly die. Easy said I know.
So the heart in balance.
When the heart Chakra is in balance and shining its glorious sun, then life is beautiful. We will see good in everything, be open to new experience, live in gratitude and acceptance, understanding of life's experience teaching and expanding us. We have clarity and see our place clearly in the bigger scheme of things. E20-016 We seek and follow our true path. We feel peace and tranquility, no duality or inner struggle. We will expect nothing, but give unconditionally and know that we will always be provided for.
To work with your Chakras is to truly honour yourself, your life and the Universe
Affirmation for Anahata.
I surrender to higher love. I am connected to the source of spiritual power. I can heal myself.

Chakra Number One - Root Chakra - Muladhara

The journey of healing your through our Chakras, starts with the root Chakra, called the Muladhara. Here we will discuss the effect that it has on our life, what happens when this Chakra is blocked? What happens when it is in balance?
Muladhara CQE practice test means root or support, this is the first of our seven Chakras, the foundation for the rest of the system and is connected to mother earth, it draws its energy from the earth. The root Chakra is located around the base of the spine and genital area, it sits within our energy field and draws energy from the earth into our bodies. This is why we are advised to sit properly for meditation, to sit in the correct way means the Chakra is perfectly connected to mother earth. It resonates with the colour red.
The root Chakra is concerned with all of your physical needs and basic human survival, it links to gravity, constantly pulling downwards so keeping us grounded and connected to our material existence. It is about getting things done and moving forward, motivation and desire. It relates to how you feel about your body and others, your relationships, feelings and sensations in your physical body, and how you feel in the physical world. Do you feel safe and at home? Are your physical needs met? If you have relationship problems, or you feel insecure with your surroundings then you may want to work on your root Chakra.
So lets look at what happens when this Chakra is not at its best.
If the root chakra is in an unbalanced or unaligned state, it would cause feelings of not belonging, being in the wrong place, not feeling safe and not trusting anyone or anything around you. You would be feeling isolated and alone, not able to get things moving and cannot focus on what needs to be done. You would feel that your needs are not CQA practice test being met, stuck and unable to change anything. There is a huge desire to run and escape. I think we all some times make excuses, you know when you say 'oh well if I only had the money I would ', or,' it's not my fault I can't do this'. This is your root Chakra out of balance! Your body will ache and you may suffer with joints and bones. This Chakra is the foundation of your energy system so it will relate to the foundation of you physical body!
Muladhara is about everything you are able to create and manifest in your life, we have a great idea, this is air energy, we get really excited about it, this is fire energy, now we need to ground it with earth energy for it to be complete. So think about this, if you are struggling to complete a project, then your root chakra maybe stagnant, wake it up and complete. It is through this energy center that we find our unique gifts, and are able to share them with the world!
So lets look at this Chakra in balance.
When this Chakra is in good working order, you will feel confident, fearless and safe, you will find solutions not problems. You will feel safe in your body and in your life, you have no doubt of your abilities and you will make things happen. You will have good relationships with people and be able to trust, you will have fulfilling sexual experience because you feel completely safe in your own body, you are aware of your feelings. You will live in the present here and now, be calm serene and peaceful. You will complete projects and you will manifest your dreams. You will have strength and courage.
Through working on the chakras we can achieve our goals. Working on the root Chakra can transform fear into courage, pain into love and pleasure, and negative feelings into positive, life changing creative energy! E20-381 Also we start to create more balance through the rest of the Chakras, of course we have to work on those too, but to keep the root Chakra in balance is of prior importance. So learn now about your energy centers and how to make your life a whole lot easier and happier!
Affirmation for Muladhara.
I am here now. I am at peace now. I feel safe. I am taken care of My flesh touches the earth.

Chakra Number Seven - The Crown Chakra - Sahasrara

What is the Sahasrara? Why do I need to work with it? How will I benefit from working with this?
Sahasrara, the beautiful crown Chakra
one thousand fold - infinity
The crown Chakra is situated at the top of the head and is depicted 3DSMax10_A practice test as the lotus flower with one thousand petals. It is usually seen as bright white, silver, gold or vibrant violet. I have always seen it mainly white with violet and gold, like something you would imagine pouring from a magic wand. As the flower opens universal light floods in and pours over the body like a fountain of healing light.
The crown Chakra may be the last of our seven Chakras, but by no means does it signify an end or our destination, it is the beginning, a rebirth! This is our highest link to the realms of spirit, connecting us firmly to home, signifying a new way of life and enriching us with new experience, a promise of infinity, heavenly divine wisdom and enlightenment. Your hotline to heaven!
Our journey through the Chakras brings us to the gift of new horizons and expanded consciousness so that our lives may be fulfilled, healthy and full of joy.
The crown Chakra is concerned on a physical level with the upper skull, skin, the central nervous system and the pineal MAYA11_A practice test gland (a small gland in the centre of the brain). The pineal gland is no bigger than the size of a pea but considered to be the seat of our soul! According to scientific research, it regulates our internal body clock. Emotionally the crown Chakra is concerned with our thoughts and mind.
Sahasrara out of balance.
When the crown chakra is out of balance or unaligned, we feel little or no connection to a higher power, and always feel alone. We feel let down and abandoned, always asking 'why'
Sahasrara in balance
When our crown Chakra is in balance and aligned, we feel connected to a higher power, be it God, Universal Consciousness or our higher self, however you see this power. We live in bliss and a state of gratitude. As we go through our daily life, we feel connected to something bigger that is keeping us safe and watching over us. We feel assured that our life will unfold in the way that is best for us and all our needs are taken care of. We feel at peace with the world and connected to the higher power.
Perfect balance of the crown Chakra can be found when the mind can be still and our energy is free to expand, meditation brings us into this state, we may even find it when walking with our mind relaxed, walking by the E20-593 ocean or high on a mountain. The Chakra opens fully, the aura expands and reaches out to the higher energy bringing us the knowledge and feeling of divine peace.
Affirmations for Sahasrara
I am at one with the universe. I experience the bigger picture. I experience trust in the universal energy. I surrender to higher power. The universe and me, me and the universe are one.

Chakra Number Six - The Brow Chakra - Ajna

What is the Ajna? Why do I need to work with it? What am I going to benefit by working with this energy centre?
The Ajna is the sixth centre in our Chakra system, it is the brow Chakra. Ajna in ancient Sanskrit means Third eye, the ' all seeing AX0-100 practice test , all knowing ' eye of wisdom. The third eye is situated just above and between the eyebrows and has the ability to see everything intuitively, clearly and wisely. The brow Chakra resonates to the colour indigo, like a beautiful midnight sky.
The brow Chakra is our Intuitive Chakra, our psychic tool, reminding us that every thing we see, touch, smell and hear are born from the inner being, a higher wisdom. It is about the two sides of the brain working in harmony together. It governs our pituitary gland which influences growth metabolism and general body chemistry. Intuition is the key of the third eye Chakra, perception, knowledge, visualization and authority. Our eyes, base of the skull and our mind is what this chakra is concerned with in the physical sense.
Ajna out of balance.
When our Intuitive Chakra is out of balance or unaligned, we will feel lost and helpless when faced with decisions and judgment calls. We will feel stuck in our rational mind. Emotionally we worry about 3DSMaxD11_A practice test almost everything, we are indecisive, uncommitted, and have no confidence in the decisions we have made, because we have a history of making the wrong kind of decisions and choices. We feel we need physical proof of things, 'seeing is believing' and we would never take risks. We feel our true purpose is unclear, and we are spiritually lost. physically we are likely to suffer headaches and feel tension in our brow area. We could have vision problems, mind dysfunction, learning difficulties and insomnia. We feel rigid and not able to enjoy the pleasures of the physical body. When we have a sense about someone or something, this Chakra when out of balance, will not allow us to trust this feeling.
Ajna in Balance.
When the intuitive Chakra is in balance and harmony, we most often know things straight away intuitively, we trust our inner knowing and are able to make quick and accurate decisions about most situations, and so we take good steps forward with confidence. We find ourselves saying ' how did I know that '? Our friends and family get used to us making good choices and look to us for guidance. Emotionally we are calm and clear, and we can sense what is right and what will work. Our mind is focused E20-582 and our eyes are clear, we feel that everything fits together. When we have that feeling about a situation or person, now that our intuitive Chakra is in balance, we know to trust that instinct without doubt.
Affirmation for Ajna.
I see reality. I know the truth. I accept what is. I have the ability to create my own reality. I am the source of my own guidance. I trust myself.

Chakra Number Three - Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura

What is the Manipura?
So the third Chakra in our energy system is the Solar plexus, sometimes referred to as the navel centre, the Manipura, which in ancient Sanskrit means inner sun (solar) or bright gem, glows bright yellow like the sun, and is located 0B0-101 practice test around the sternum. This chakra, provides the body with its natural fuel, a surge of energy that awakens you, we are talking about fire energy and it is the power source of the body.
The first and second Chakras in our system you will remember, have much to do with how we see and form our relationships with others, while this chakra, the solar plexus, is more concerned with our relationship with our self, it is our personal power centre relating to our identity with the world, our will power and our strength. This is powerful fire energy, on a physical level it relates to the digestive system, the liver is a large organ in the body, it has a large job to do and is governed by the solar plexus. The liver is mostly overworked because of modern diet, and basic disrespect we have shown the body. The liver filters out poisons and toxins and stores nutrients. Psychologically it has to digest our emotions and negative feelings too, think about where you put your hands when you are angry, upset or shocked, the energy of your emotion has just hit your solar plexus. It is important as with all the Chakras to keep energy flowing through the chakra.
So lets look 0B0-103 practice test at the Manipura out of balance.
If this Chakra is out of balance or unaligned we can expect to feel powerless, angry, frustrated, maybe a little egotistical, overwhelmed and feeling victimized, while at the same time having a strong desire to be in control. Physically we most likely are suffering digestive problems. Any emotions that have not been dealt with, will be held in this chakra, the body tightens and holds on, and our digestive system is choked. Many illnesses arise from the digestive system in this state. We could suffer from heartburn, ulcers, diabetes, and bowel disorders. We could tend to be aggressive and create addictions. This list could go on forever, remember this is fire energy, it can be incredibly powerful or equally destructive.
And so to look at the Manipura in balance
Now we are talking! we would in a balanced state, be aware of our own strength and personal power, have a true sense of self-worth and assurance of who we are. We have the ability to generate and release energy, feel charged, empowered and alive. We would have a good strong digestive system so creating good health. We would learn how to use fire energy to its best and propel ourselves forward, obstacles will no longer stand in our way.
This Chakra is a transitional centre, from here E20-651 we move to the heart chakra which is the first of the universal Chakras, and so if we have our personal chakras in balance, from here we are ready to move to a higher frequency.
To work with your Chakras is to truly honour yourself.

Chakra Number Two - Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana

What is the Swadisthana, sacral Chakra?
The sacral Chakra
This Chakra on an emotional level, relates to love and accepting of the self, self-expression, responsibility to the self and self-esteem. It leads us to find pleasure in life, to be free, our true 0B0-104 practice test self, to have joyous trusting relationships, and to make any changes we need to make this happen.
So we will look at the sacral Chakra out of balance
What happens when this Chakra is not working well? If the Chakra is out of balance or unaligned you could experience feelings of separation, not feeling good enough, anxious, ashamed of the body and angry with the opposite sex. You may find it hard to make decisions and feel like you are swinging from the dark to light, grand illusions one minute and no hope the next. You could be feeling oversensitive, hard on you self and feel unnecessary periods of guilt. You could also 0B0-102 practice test turn your back on sexual relationships.
Physically you could suffer with low back pain, kidney and bladder problems and possibly fertility problems. People who have been sexually abused hold, their pain in this chakra, feeling ashamed and separated from all others, losing site of their beauty. In this case the chakra will most likely be closed. It takes a lot of courage to look beyond this and find your inner self again, but this is the chakra to help do this.
The Chakra in Balance.
So when this chakra is in balance and spinning correctly, as the name suggests you will feel that life is sweet. You will be friendly and love to share with others. You will be confident and caring, with the ability to make others feel good. Your intuition will be accurate and you will know you are making wise decisions. You will be enthusiastic about life, non judgmental, free to be yourself, and know yourself completely. You know you deserve to be happy and to be loved.
This is a beautiful chakra, when in balance you will recognise it, it is joy, just beautiful. You will be passionate for life. After working on your base Chakra you will notice a difference with this one. The base E20-840 chakra has the heavier earthy drive, the sacral feels light and lifting, when in balance it just makes you smile.
I truly hope you love working with the sacral Chakra.
Affirmation For Svadhisthana
I am Free to be me. I am worthy of love. It is safe to reach out.

Change - Does It Excite You or Scare You?

Einstein said that "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it"
We are often the last people to be able to see our own issues because we are living them. Einstein was saying that is not possible to 0B0-108 practice test change ourselves unless we look at the issue from a different perspective.
Change demands growth. I cannot be who I am and expect to feel differently unless I do something different. Insanity is repeating the same activity and expecting a different outcome. I need to explore other options, read other philosophies, discuss different possibilities, model different behaviours and in doing so, I will change my perception of the issue at hand.
The biggest issue for many who look at change is the fear of the unknown. I know the circumstances that I live in currently and although they are not perfect, I would prefer to stay here in what I know than to move into something I am not familiar with. This is the point that we start projecting all sorts of scenarios and ideas into the unknown arena, and scare ourselves so that we stay put. 0B0-105 practice test We do not like change. The problem with not changing is that you miss out on all the good things that you had not thought about in your projections- opportunities that could well improve your life and lead you to a happier place.
How many times have you looked back at an event that you thought would be the end of you, only to laugh because you survived it, it taught you some good lessons, and it turned out to be nowhere near as scary as you thought it would be!
What areas of your life could do with a new outlook? One area for me was my absolute lack of interest in all things technical when I wanted a website. The pain that I had to go through to understand what I needed to was not slight. However, I am now the other side and am really proud that I have learnt what I had to in order to be able to publish my site. And, as is so often the case, what I was frightened of, turned out to be relatively insignificant. Most of what I could not do, I picked up quite easily. Is my E20-611 life better now? Absolutely! I altered my perception by learning about what scared me. I had to change.
You can do the same! There are many products on my website below that can help you to overcome your fears or obstacles to living a fuller, happier life!
Written by Caroline Nettle.
Please retweet this article.

Change - Stop Being Afraid!

"Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts." -Arnold Bennett
To take the red pill, or the blue pill. That was the question facing Neo in the mega-hit movie The Matrix. One pill led down the 0B0-410 practice test rabbit hole, where all of his questions would be answered and the life he knew would be gone forever. The other pill led back to his own bed and his old life and he would be left wondering if this had all been a dream. Because he's the hero in our movie, he choose the new life. He chose to leave his old life behind and face the unknowns of a world he'd never experienced before.
How many of us would have had the courage to make such a choice? Not many, I'm afraid. For most people, change is terrifying, sometimes even infuriating. Try changing the location of the coffee machine at your office or if you're feeling particularly brave, try changing the flavor of the coffee. Do both and you're likely to need a police escort to your car! Such a meaningless thing, but it would generate such a large reaction.
People hate change. Is it because they like their lives so much? I don't believe so. I read that Oprah recently had a poll on her website where the question was simply, "Are you happy with yourself". A whopping 75% of those polled responded 'no'. Only 1 in 4 of us consider ourselves to be happy. Isn't that shocking? Isn't it sad?
So should we conclude that people are generally unhappy and that they generally want to stay that way? That doesn't make any sense either. Walk up to any random person on the street and ask them list off the things that are going badly in their life right now and they are almost certain to rattle off a quick list of five or ten things.
So it's not that we're already happy...and it's not that 0B0-107 practice test want to be unhappy. There must be something else to this.
I recently read about a scientific study that had been done on mice. Researchers had set up a pedal that the mice would push to get a food pellet. Once the mice had mastered this, the researchers played a cruel, cruel trick on them. They wired the pedal so that it gave the mice a large shock of electricity at the same time it dispensed the food pellet. It shocked the mice very time they went for a food pellet. Reading the results of that study, it appears that the most a mouse ever went back to that pedal was five times. Never did a mouse go for a 6th time. The mice literally starved to death rather than go back and be shocked again (sounds like a horrible experiment doesn't it?).
I think that as children grow to become adults, with regard to change, we are very much like those mice. I think we've learned that trying to change and failing is very painful. I think we've learned that trying to change all on your own is incredibly difficult. I think we've learned that if we announce to the world that we're trying to change, there will be a long line of people looking to tell us why we won't be able to do it and why we're almost certainly going to fail. I think we've learned that because of their own insecurities, people love to point and laugh when they see someone fall short of their goals.
The world is a cruel place and changing requires courage and thick skin. Those are two qualities that many of us just don't feel like we've got. Not today anyway. Maybe tomorrow. No, not tomorrow, but Monday for sure. Or maybe after the holidays or after New Years.
I think at the most basic level, people don't change because OTHER people. That is a horribly dumb reason to continue on a course that has led to unhappiness. E20-322 Isn't it time to to start making the best decisions for yourself rather than choosing the path with the least amount of risk or the least amount of difficulty?
You CAN change the way you want to change. You CAN be the person that you want to be. Isn't it time you stood up and embraced your true identity? It all starts with a single choice, a single decision. Make that decision today.

Change: For Many People, Why's It So Difficult?

When you look in the mirror, who's looking back at you? Someone who's strong, proud, and confident, ready to wrestle with the world whatever changes come your way? Or is it someone who's shaking inside? Someone who's trembling 0B0-110 practice test at the thought that life is going to heave another brick at you by rearranging or shattering the life you have, forcing you to reshape the way you live?
If you're the kind of person who balks at change, you've got plenty of company. That's because the largest blockade to change is fear. And many people are scared, particularly of altering familiar patterns in their lives. One sure sign that someone is afraid of change is if they ask an endless river of questions: Can I? Do I have the stuff to do it? Should I? What will other people say? The more people ask those kinds of questions, the more afraid they are. In some circles, it' called The Paralysis of Analysis.
My granddaughter, on the other hand, doesn't have a shred of fear. She approaches life completely unafraid. She just acts on her instincts and curiosity. No fears. No hesitation. She'll try anything. Fortunately, her mother is always protecting her from doing something hazardous while at the same time wrapping her in love and encouragement.
Most of us were curious and brave at my granddaughter's age. But as we get older, our lives develop dings and dents. We get a divorce or lose a job, Parents die. Friends suddenly turn on us. The list of potential disappointments and even cruelties is almost endless. And with every wrong, with every slight, our enthusiasm dims a little, our energy for change subsides 0B0-109 practice test a little more. And as a result, we become a little less of who we are.
Not that we need to make changes just to keep practicing our ability to make alterations in our life. Change for change's sake is often pointless.
There's also a physical factor to consider. Our desire for change slackens as we get older. It's a fact we all need to face. Like it or not, as we age and become increasingly frail, the less likely we are to exert ourselves to make changes. Both physically and mentally, change as we get older can seem to involve too much risk.
The prospect of change, for many reasons, can easily become one of our darkest demons. Fortunately, we all have an antidote inside of us. It's called practice. Practice, practice, practice. I believe that if we're in the habit of adjusting to our environment and developing defenses against fear, the more likely we are to continue to do so. For example, those of us who make it a point to pray every day continue to pray much more easily than those who don't. Those of us who exercise and stay fit find the time and energy to continue those practices much more easily than people who start to work out only because they're huffing and puffing from climbing stairs. Those people who have practice adjusting their lives - from changing work E20-580 habits to evaluating whether it's time to move - don't quiver when faced with the prospect of more change.
We should all try to be like those people. If we do, there's a huge payoff. We'll have a much greater sense of satisfaction when that person in the mirror stares back at us.

Friday 30 December 2011

Abraham Maslow: Back to the Future

I've just finished writing a series of articles about "self acceptance and personal growth." Since I take this subject very seriously, I spent an inordinate amount of time doing research. In this case, my research 0B0-104 practice test took me back to Abraham Maslow, whose work I studied in college.
It's no exaggeration to say that the entire self help, self development, personal development, human potential, personal growth (choose one or more) movement since the 1960's owes a huge debt of gratitude to Maslow and the other founders of Humanistic Psychology. To be fair, most personal growth gurus do acknowledge his influence, but many, especially those who confuse wealth with growth, might profit by paying him a visit. This, in my opinion, includes the abundance gurus who flourished after the release of "The Secret."
In part, Humanistic Psychology developed as a reaction to the Behaviorist model that viewed human beings as mere mechanisms shaped by biological and environmental forces. The Humanist psychologists believe human beings have intrinsic value and that our personalities should be nurtured, not manipulated.
Maslow's famous "hierarchy of needs" is 0B0-102 practice test a pyramidal structure that includes our basic survival needs for food, shelter, etc. at the bottom and ascends to the need for belonging and the need for self esteem. In Maslow's view, these were all essential in order for us to adequately function in life. He called them "deficit needs" - needs which must be fulfilled to some degree in order to survive.
At the top of the pyramid is "self actualization." Maslow and others include the attributes of self actualization in their definition of this more nebulous expression. Some of the attributes of the self actualized personality include the love of beauty, love of life in general and humanity specifically, creativity, an appreciation of and striving for virtues like goodness and decency, self-sufficiency and a sense of the meaningfulness of life. As opposed to the "deficit needs," Maslow calls the needs of self actualization the "being needs."
"Richness" is also included in the needs of those who have reached the stage of self-actualization, but it is defined as "not environmental impoverishment." We all like to surround ourselves with beautiful things and feel a sense of security that goes beyond merely "having a roof over our heads." Personally, though, I think the "abundance gurus" often mistake money for richness. I've known more than one individual who has gotten hopelessness in debt because 143-410 they left a "self help" seminar on a high and went out and borrowed heavily to finance their dream business or "actualize" their desired lifestyle. In one case, it was a Mercedes ("Oh Lord, won't you give me a Mercedes Benz/My friends have all got one, I've got to make amends" - Mercedes Benz, Janis Joplin).
Do yourself a favor and read Abraham Maslow or at least read what they have to say at the Association for Humanistic Psychology

Absolute Ethics - Misunderstood!

Absolute Ethics Misunderstood: What is the true purpose and usefulness of ethical principles?
The question I would like to discuss is about the true function and usefulness of ethical principles.
On 0B0-108 practice test one hand, we confess our human weakness to abide with ethical perfection, while on the other hand major religions demand humanity's alignment with ethical principles that exist in nearly all main religions and philosophical systems since thousands of years. If absolute principles had any usefulness, why the modern man have abandoned such principles to follow subjective values and relativistic ideas- his/her own understanding of reality, which varies from person to person, and fluctuates through time?
Do principle-based ethics work in real life? How can such principles demand perfection from imperfect, finite beings like us?

If absolute values were the correct ones, why has the modern man abandoned them to subjective, relativistic ethics? Eternal principles is true that they can bring great frustration and confusion-if we fail to understand their true purpose, role, and function. After all, who can follow them without error?
Principle-based values exist not to 0B0-105 practice test demand legalistic perfection in our conduct, as such demand would be unrealistic considering the limitations of human nature. Instead of struggling to climb the highest mountain and demand moral perfection in everything we do, absolute principles have a surprisingly different
Universal principles function as motivators to help us develop character
The surprising different use of fundamental laws and ethical principles

Eternal Principles of humanity such us justice, patience, diligence, industriousness, simplicity, modesty, faithfulness and the golden rule exist to teach us understanding, sympathy, patience, forgiveness, grace, and compassion. Universal principles do not exist to demand moral perfection in us, but to remind us of our human limitations. It is through the awareness and recognition of humanity's imperfect nature that we learn wisdom, understanding, forgiveness, and good judgment. The unchanged wisdom of the ages remain to remind us that we are humans, that we are not perfect, that we are limited beings-that we are learners and not the rulers of life. Moreover, it is through the acknowledgment and confession of our human limitations, 143-260 that true human progress becomes possible.
Universal principles do not exist to demand moral perfection in us, but to remind us of our human limitations. It is through the awareness and recognition of humanity's imperfect nature that we learn wisdom, understanding, forgiveness, sympathy, humility, and tolerance.

Accelerated Learning - Bringing Out the Best in You

We all know learning is an unending process that everyone must go for as long as they live. When you first got your instructions, the first thing you have to do is run through the 0B0-410 practice test instructions, slowly reading and using your mind to create images and try figuring out what it's trying to tell you. Second, if you don't know or understand a particular thing you ask question. Asking question is another way to help us comprehend and quickly understand what the instructions are all about.
For example, if you were asked to set up a website. The end goal of the task is to set up a website. You were given steps on how to do it but you don't understand step umber 2. The nicest and the best thing to do is to ask your superior about it.
First and foremost, you are not hired nor asked to do something when your superior doesn't know you are not qualified to do the task. So don't worry about it you can do it. You have to put more confidence on you just like your superior has put confidence in 0B0-107 practice test you.
Another thing you can do when you're a little tense about doing a task is listening to music. Music helps us relax and relieves our tension. What I would do is close my eyes and think of happy thoughts. I would imagine being in a harmonious environment. First of is take out all clutter on my desk and set them aside. I would bring out what is only needed to complete my tasks and this is while the music is playing on the background.
Through this, I was able to bring myself to focus and being able to concentrate on my task. I would then go step by step. If in case, I still have some questions I use the Internet as another resource to get some information. But this is very tricky as sometimes we tend to overload ourselves with information that is not really helping us and is not needed in our task. So what I would do is just look for the exact phrase and search for it.
In end, you wouldn't know you're learning at all. It's fun to do it that way. We already have so many problems and if we take our simple tasks as problems we might not be able to do our task the right way and the end goal may not be achieve. Accelerated learning method is just helping 143-120 us to be our best. It is a tool to use especially these times when there's so many information and so little time to absorb and understand everything.
Try the steps I did and let me know if it worked for you. It'll be great to hear what you think about this method.

Accelerating Learning - Is It Good or Bad?

A lot of times we need to get ready or be prepared because we're in a new position in our company. This new position requires us to be on top always and knows almost everything so that things will 0B0-110 practice test run smoothly. The only problem we can see when we're in a new position is that our span of responsibilities gets bigger; the numbers of people below us are growing. Our income may have increased but the work time of 8 to 9 hours is not enough to do all tasks.
When we hear the word bad it is something that is not good either to us or to others. And good is the opposite of our definition of the word bad. Accelerating learning will turn out bad if you don't follow the proper it is supposed to be done. If you're taking in all information even that information that is not needed then you are doing it right and it'll be bad for you. When we 0B0-109 practice test say bad for you that would mean you're stressing yourself out.
We all know the benefits of this method and what it'll bring us. It definitely will help us in getting what we want and achieving our goals. If we're taking too much information and we're not retaining the information that is only necessary we'll be disappointed in the end. We'll be complaining that we don't understand everything we're reading.
There are times when we are given the steps on how to do things and because we're curious and we wanted to know more in the end we just don't get what it is. The truth is we're obviously not learning the right way.
Accelerating learning is not bad at all. It is us who implements the method that is making it bad for us. We thought we can handle too much information but we can't. If we wanted to learn things quickly we have to follow the techniques on how it should be done. We have to follow the different methods and pick which is easy for us to do and is comfortable for 143-070 us to do. We would only process information one at a time and think if this is applicable for what we aim to learn or not. If it is not the information we needed then we set that aside first.

Thursday 29 December 2011

3 Activities for Personal Growth

There are those who live their lives without thought. They get up, do what they do to make money, go home and watch television and then go to bed. The same routine is followed at least five days out of 1D0-541 practice exam the week. Then there are those who get tired of the routine that seems to have no purpose in life. They want to discover more about themselves so they can do great things. They may not know what those great things are, but they know they want to do something that makes a difference.
Here are three exercises which can help you discover more about yourself.
What in your life is important to you
Make a list of everything in your life. Include people, activities and belongings. Now put them in priority order. What one thing on this list must you have? Another way to phrase the question is, "If I had this, whatever this is, and nothing else on this list, I would be fine, what would it be?"
Once you've put your list in priority order, ask yourself one final question, "If I didn't even have what I listed as most important, what would life be like for me?"
What are you missing in your life
Now that you have what's most important to you, what is missing from your life you would like to have? 1D0-51B practice exam This could be a relationship, job or something else. If you come up with more than one thing, ask yourself, "If I had just one of these, which one would I most want?" Does this one item replace what is in first place in the previous exercise?
What are your strengths
Choose an activity you do well. It could have to do with your job, hobby, everyday activity or a relationship. Now list all the qualities within yourself that make you good at what you do. This isn't a skill you've learned or knowledge you have. It could be what makes you good at that skill or what helps you acquire the knowledge. Do this on three different activities. When finished, circle those qualities which appear in more than one list.
Take a few minutes to look at what you've done. Have you learned anything new about your life? Is there anything there that you're not happy is there? Is there anything in what you've done that delights you?
If your life isn't in alignment with what is most important to you, you have some changes to make. For instance, if family is most important, but you spend little time with them, you will be happier if you adjust where you spend your time. If you are not using 9L0-625 your strengths, find ways you can. If you are missing something in your life that is more important than what you have, it's time to blast yourself out of your rut and get moving.

3 Common Questions to Ask an Image Consultant

1. "Are you a certified Image Consultant"?

An Image Consultant does personal shopping but is not a Personal Shopper. An Image Consultant does styling for events, photo shoots etc, but is not a 1D0-51C practice exam Stylist. Image Consultants are trained by masters and certified by a professional organization, the leader being the Association of Image Consultants International, encompassing 1300 members worldwide over 40 countries.
2. How does Image Consulting work?

The majority Image consultants follow a tried and true three step process to ensure the maximum benefit to their one-on-one client. The following is a description of my process, you will find variations between consultants, but most will be similar to this:
Step 1: Personal Consultation and Color Analysis
In your home or office our first meeting begins with learning your professional and personal goals. This helps us ensure that your wardrobe will be fully in sync with your lifestyle. We discuss your style preferences and relate them to how you currently dress. We explore a little into the world of fashion and I show you both a broader scope and nuances of clothing. I do a full analysis to determine what colors look best on you, what lines of clothing as well as what patterns are best, and which ones you should avoid.
Step 2: Closet Clearing and Wardrobe Analysis
Some clients approach this with some trepidation and then are delighted with the result! Your closet is a "life tool", and we work to align what you already own to our completed analysis. 1D0-476 practice exam Some call this "shopping in your closet". We pinpoint the items you have that truly compliment your personal and professional goals and where some gaps might exist that can be filled in. This session also includes matching assistance, tailoring advice of existing garments and usually a couple Hefty garbage bags!
Step 3: Personal Shopping
Shopping can be overwhelming. Some people give it a fraction of the time they need to, and others spend way to much time and end up with way too much stuff. Fortunately, having gone through Steps 1 and 2, we have the knowledge and I have the list to make it all a breeze! I pre-shop for you at the stores of your choice following your budget. You just show up to a stocked dressing room of pre-selected options and I do all the running. You leave in less time than you could imagine, and everything looks fantastic because it will be matched to you based on our analysis and my professional involvement.
3. How much does Image Consulting Cost?

Just like everything, costs will vary depending on the experience of the consultant and the geographic area of the client. Affluent clients will fly in consultants, or join them on bi-annual destination shopping trips and spend tens of thousands. On the other side of the spectrum, a one-time client may need some help finding the right dress for a wedding, or the right suit for an interview, and only want to invest a couple hundred dollars in the process. Assume that urban areas will set hourly fees starting at $100.00 an 9L0-062 hour topping off at $250.00 depending on the experience of the consultant. Worth it? Well, what did you spend in clothing last year? $5000? $10,000? $15,000? Consider if the purchases you made would have been better choices if 10 to 15% of that budget had gone to getting the professional guidance that kind of investment deserves.

3 Habits That Will Destroy Your Destiny

God can use anybody with the right heart, anybody who is willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill his divine destiny. Sometimes we hear these great testimonies of people who came from various backgrounds; 1D0-520 practice exam right out of poverty, God cleaned them up inside and out and brought them before great men.
God never grades your destiny according where you are from or what you have done in the past. He sees everybody through the veil of the blood of Jesus, so He always sees you at your best. He sees you through your potential "in Christ".God always looks at the heart of people; if we have a humble heart before Him, He can use to do great exploits in the earth.
Let's have a look at how we, ourselves can "destroy" our destiny.
Security in material things; the things of this world.
There are some destiny-destroying heart issues that you and I may have to deal with. Areas in our life that you and I should look at because they have the potential to rob us of God's best for our life.
Remember, the rich young ruler? Unlike Peter, who had personality issues that needed to be worked out, the rich young ruler had a destiny-destroying heart issue that brought his potential to 1D0-51A practice exam a halt.
He thought he had done it all, didn't he? He said he had done it all "from his youth"? Have you ever met somebody who has done everything right in his youth or his/her life? The teenage years mess up most of us, isn't it?
Jesus gave that young ruler an opportunity to change his ways; he had a choice to make right there then. Yet, he passed up that divine opportunity.
A lack of trust.
I believe that Jesus would have taken personal care for this young man if he would have given it all for the sake of the call. Jesus would have blessed him above and beyond. Mark 10:29-30
This young ruler didn't have anything to lose, but he didn't see it that way. This was an issue of trust, isn't it? He just couldn't do it, because he couldn't see what Jesus saw. Mark 10:22
He didn't trust Jesus as His Provider and this destroyed his destiny.
The love of mammon/money
A lot of people read this story and only read the money part of it. Jesus took this opportunity to teach the disciples a lesson, because Jesus had never told the disciples to sell all their earthly possessions. They were told to follow Jesus but not to sell what they had and give it to the poor.
"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." The disciples and many people today are astonished on this statement that Jesus made. The disciples weren't poor either; what was Jesus saying here?
The difference was that they all had some money, but they 9L0-624 were following Jesus first. Jesus doesn't ask of people to sell everything they have before they can be saved. No, but if we put our trust in our riches and not in God first and foremost, it can destroy our destiny.
1Tim.6:10 don't say that money is the root of all evil; it says the love

3 Let's-Get-Started Changes

We all have good intentions when it comes to making changes. But anyone who's ever tried to make a change knows how hard it is to form a new habit. And when we fail to meet our goals, we get discouraged or disappointed. It's no 1D0-437 practice exam wonder we give up on making the changes and improvements we'd like to see.
But if we look at change as a series of small steps that when accomplished, build on each other, then our big changes can eventually happen. Here are three changes that can be made with just moderate effort. Try one or more of these or use these suggestions as examples and come up with your own small-step changes. Then when these are accomplished, move on to the next step.
It's OK to Say 'No'
Have you ever found yourself agreeing to something you really didn't want to do? And then you try to convince yourself that it didn't matter. Actually it does matter. Your feelings and thoughts are as important as anyone else's.
Try this the next time you find yourself in this situation. Take a mental step back and remind yourself that it's ok if you say "No not this time". This doesn't mean you have to become one of those argumentative types who make others happy when they leave the room. But your wishes and desires need to be considered when joint decisions are made. So the next time you find yourself ill-at-ease about going along with the gang, show yourself some respect and speak up. You'll be rewarded with the powerful feeling that comes from taking control of your own time and energy.
Eat Smarter One Small Choice at a Time
Wouldn't it be fabulous if we could all lose those 20 pounds we want gone? Actually we can - but probably not in the next few weeks. And most of us get discouraged 1D0-525 practice exam if we don't see quick results. And when we get discouraged, that's when we turn to the cookies, pizza, doughnuts... You get the idea.
So here's a new plan, the one step at a time plan. Make one small change and stick with it until it becomes a habit. Then take another small step. And with the right choices, you'll be healthier and weight loss may happen as well.
Instead of eating the whole bag of chips with your sandwich, try just a handful. Or drink one cup of green tea every day. Keep cut up carrot sticks in the refrigerator for quick snacks. Or skip the bagel at the coffee shop and savor your coffee. These and other small changes can have a big impact over time. And as a side benefit, you'll learn some patience as part of the process.
Try a Little Silence
We put our kids on 'time out' to give them time to think things over. Why not do the same for ourselves? Have a special quiet place to go to just sit, not doing anything. Just let your thoughts wander, not paying any particular attention to them. You'll be surprised how mentally refreshing just a short break can be. So take yourself out of the busy-ness cycle for a few minutes everyday. This is your time to just be you. Your personal timeout will help you reduce your stress and regain your sense of priority. And your being one step farther along on the road to stress reduction is a 9L0-623 win-win for everyone.
Each of these changes is possible no matter how busy you are. In addition to accomplishing the weight loss or gaining in self-respect, you'll also gain a sense that "yes you can make good changes in your life". Sooner than you think, the big goals will be in your sights.

3 Part Time Jobs That Are Different, Unusual, Way-Out

3 Part Time Jobs That Are, Different, Unusual, Way-Out.
by Bob Rumball
Have you ever had one of those days when your regular job bores you to death, and you just long to be doing something 1D0-430 practice exam Different, Unusual or even Way-Out.
Maybe you'd be satisfied with the occasional release that a Week-End part-time job would offer, plus of course the extra income.
Well here are 3 examples of each of those Types of Occupations:
Maybe you're the type who is usually the 'life of the party' whenever the occasion demands it, (or not) and you've got a lively sense of humour, you are slightly, or more so, extroverted, and you enjoy being with people of all ages, especially small kids in large doses.
Instead of 'Clowning Around', BE a Clown.
Kid's Birthday parties are your Stage, and you are the Main Attraction...
Yep! I thought you'd like that!
Of course, if the parents like you, they may enquire as to whether you 'Do Parties for Adults Too?' So you'd need to have 2 different repertoires, or maybe 3, if the parents are a bit straight!
OK, so you're a fairly quiet sort of person, and you love to get away from the Office, and people generally, 1D0-435 practice exam sometimes even the family! Maybe you are even a bit Morbid, fascinated in Local History, Graveyards and Headstones.
During your many trips to various Graveyards for Headstone 'Rubbings', you've noticed the decrepit state of some of the graves and often wished that someone would do something about it.
Well, here's your chance. A bit of smart detective work to locate surviving relatives, some neat photography showing the grave in the worst possible light, a quiet, sombre approach, a few suggestions, a reasonable price to carry out those suggestions, and the Job is yours.
You believe in Astrology, Fortune Telling, and even Fortune Cookies, so something along those lines should make you complete.
Have you ever heard of the 'Akashic Records'?.. No?.. Neither had I until researching for this article!
Of course, the fact that I had no previous knowledge of the Akashic Records does not make them 'Way-Out', in fact some famous people have been believers, there was C.W. Leadbeater. He had his read in 1910 in India. This lead to his book 'Man: How, Whence, and Wither?' which has become a part of many philosophy classes.
Will it become a part of the future for Earth and the future societies that will develop?
To really become involved with the Akashic Records you will need to become an 9L0-510 Akashic Record Consultant, where people, many famous ones, will pay good money for their own, Personal Readings.
Where do you go to get Qualified as an Akashic Record Consultant?.. Check this link out, 'specially the money that they make, and you can whoop it up in Bali too!

3 Reasons for a Lack of Change in Your Life

I have had plenty of quite substantial changes in my life but for many people, who live in their everyday routine, a change is something they crave deeply. Some of them talk about it openly, 1D0-470 practice exam some of them think about it quietly. Some of them even go as far as trying to implement some changes only to find out that to go through with a significant change is not as easy as it seems.
The main mistakes people make when implementing change are as follows.
1.) They keep thinking the same thoughts. This is perhaps the most important misunderstanding that people have. Their idea of "stepping towards the change" is starting to wish for a change more intensely. Sure, this is a good beginning. But if you keep thinking: "I wish things would be different, what a pity they aren't", then nothing is going to change - you are merely reiterating your current circumstances. To change your thoughts deliberately, you have to accept your reality, then let go of it (vibrationally) and open your arms and your thoughts to your new reality, which is making its way to you (again, vibrationally). If you support your vibrations with respective action steps, you will begin to see a glimpse of your 1D0-442 practice exam new reality pretty soon. And that is your change telling you: "I hear you. You are serious about it. I am on my way". Be tuned to those glimpses, they might not be too loud. But once you start noticing them, things will go fast - so you better be ready!
2.) Another misconception is when people want a change but keep surrounding themselves with the same human beings who were listening to them for years about their desire and all they had to say was: "You know this is unrealistic". Or "Cool, dude, but this is SO NOT YOU!" or "Where are you going to get the money for all of that?" These people might mean well but they haven't exactly been giving you a lot of support, have they? They haven't shown a lot of trust in you either. Well, if you keep discussing your plans for a change with the same group of people, guess where that will that take you? Nowhere. That would be correct. Do yourself a favor. Find somebody in your surroundings who really, truly, inspires you. Someone who succeeded against all odds. Get mentored by that person or just read his or her blog. Tune into your own feelings and mute out all those well-meaning voices who shouldn't be giving you any advice, because they are not living your life. You are. Always remember that.
3.) The last part we need to look at is habits and beliefs. If your habit is to spend evenings in front of the TV, even though you could have been easily taking a walk, you will hardly become fitter. If you read about nutrition but you keep eating what you have always been eating, 9L0-619 you will not become thinner.
Change requires more than wishful thinking. It requires decision, action and commitment. It requires leaving your old ways, those which didn't serve you, behind you. If you can do that, you will be rewarded more than you ever thought possible.

3 Simple Tips For Success in Business

Keep a Bullet-proof Attitude
The first and most important business success tip you will ever find is to make sure your attitude is positive. When I say positive I am not talking about keeping a good attitude. Oh no, 1D0-460 practice exam having a good attitude is not going to be persistent enough to handle the day-to-day abuse most people are going to face regularly. You will need to keep a bullet-proof attitude. An extraordinary attitude, where nothing and no one can take control of your thoughts or your feelings during the day. If you don't, you will eventually loosen your grip on that positive mindset.
A great technique to defend yourself from the negative is to be extra aware of little attitude reducers that tactfully attempt to sneak into your day. The trick is, as soon as you are feeling less than excellent, or when you feel your flow has been disrupted, take a second and think about something that makes you laugh or smile. In fact, while it's hard to justify keeping those wacky, productivity destroying emails we all receive, here's where they are useful. Start keeping only the best ones in a folder for those times when you need a quick positive attitude re-adjustment.
Simplicity Sells
The second business success tip is to 1D0-450 practice exam use the KISS method. You may have heard of it, Keep It Super Simple. You may have heard of another KISS acronym that focuses on the same goal but uses different words. If you happen to be rolling your eyes right now because you heard this suggestion so many times and it's old news; then I challenge you to reflect and ask yourself if you are really applying the KISS method to all parts of your business. Every time I ask this question there is always areas where multitasking is being done, and efforts could be more focused. I would place a wager that you would come to the same conclusion as I if you think long enough.
Also, ensure you are always using the KISS method consistently for all aspects of customer communication. This has been proven to be one of the best customer retention techniques you can use on a regular basis.
Action is a key to succeed in business
The final business success tip of this article was best articulated and explained by Bob Doyle, personal development coach and internationally renowned speaker. He said make sure to use the GOYA principle. If you ever want to success in anything you are going to 9L0-621 keep that bullet proof attitude, keep it super simple, and Get Off Your @SS!
"Out of abundance they took abundance, and still abundance remained." - Upanishads

3 Steps To Completing Your Online Reputation Management

Unfair, invalid, vindictive comments and reviews have shown up on your Google results. Is it time to panic? What are you going to do? How do you dilute the effects of damage to your online 1Y0-A24 practice exam reputation?
Obviously, it's time for damage control. Expert reputation management can assess whether one remark is going to irrevocably damage your reputation online or if in some cases drawing attention to it would make matters worse.
Here are 3 basic approaches to managing your reputation on the Internet and how to deal with damaging statements.
Ask if it can be removed. If you can demonstrate to the site owner that the comment is vulgar, offensive, inappropriate or that it's obviously vindictive and arbitrary then you may have a chance at removal. You don't want to single out or go after a specific person, but if a particular reviewer only posts negative remarks and it can be demonstrated, an online reputation management company can advise on how to mitigate the negative.
Address it directly. If you're engaged in vigilant monitoring of your image, then you're going to be made aware of such comments quickly. Consult with an online reputation management firm and learn options for how to address the unfair or negative comment. An appropriate response can then be crafted based on how you want to respond, the nature of the 1D0-510 practice exam complaint and its validity. The same response may be not indicated in every situation. A company's established methods of online reputation management will determine whether a simple blog comment, a tweet, a blog posting of your own, or a video is the best course of action to mitigate the damage from a negative review.
Ignore it. Depending on the situation, one blanket response putting the issue at rest can be enough but sometimes online reputation management may mean you simply ignore the remark and rely on your well-established image and previous positive reviews. Continued engagement can add fuel to the fire, resulting in back-and-forth banter making you look unprofessional. Even worse, poor online reputation management may incite other disgruntled customers to start chiming in and suddenly begin sharing their opinions too. A chorus of voices suddenly expressing discontent draws attention to what could have been dealt with as an isolated incident, with the possibility of the 9L0-620 issue going viral, making containment and management of your online reputation more difficult.
Naturally, each situation requires a unique response and not all strategies work best in all situations. Managing and protecting your reputation on the Internet is always important and but a strategy is only useful if done right.

3 Steps to Get Your Groove Back

I talked about the lesson my little dog Lyra taught me - all about climbing that fence to go for your goal.
Today I want to chat a bit about how to swing beyond our new economy fences - to find our Groove and hit it outta the park 1Y0-A21 practice exam of life. So here's what I did over the past weekend to begin finding my fences, and start to get my groove back.
First, you have to find your fences.
I can't.
Smaller dreams.
Giving up.

My list was LONG. Take some time to make yours. And don't avoid the reality. Put it down on paper in all its glory - and Gravity.
Now that you found all the constrictions, what do you do about them?
Second, shift your thinking patterns.
If you think you can't make a certain amount next year - increase that goal by 50% more. Aim big and then believe you can get there. Look at other people making the kind of money you want to make and learn from them.
If you think your business can't grow - set a goal that's beyond any growth you've ever done. Look around at other businesses that are doing just that kind of growth and get inspired. Learn from them, get ideas, get energized and get back in the Groove of Success instead of Gravity.
Pick one dream 1Y0-A18 practice exam that you gave up and start working on it - right now. List the rest of those forgotten wonders and write down a step you can take to start toward them.
For every single dream that's been suffocated thanks to shrinking, giving up or never trying - write down an opposite belief and goal, bigger than the one your started with.

Now focus on those goals and repeat them to yourself until they feel comfortable again. That may take a while, but my bet is a few of them will immediately resonate and feel great. Take that great feeling and apply it to the rest of the harder to believe again goals on the list.
Third - Take Action.
Prioritize your list. Maybe it's based on what's easier or harder. Or maybe it's about what's more fun than work. It doesn't matter. I started with goals I could accomplish quickly- so I'd get a groovy winning feeling early in the process. Now formulate a plan to get going on your top three goals or dreams that have been stuck in Gravity. Every day, take that list and pick three things, one each for three goals, and DO them. Don't think about it, don't plan and ponder. Get out and take action.
That's my 3 step approach. It's working for me already, and 9L0-402 it feels great to be groovy again. That's why I wanted to share it.
SO.... turnabout is fair play. You get to share too. What works for you? How do YOU get your groove back?

3 Tips On Being Aware

A human beings development is based on the extent of awareness and how that knowledge is utilized. Being aware makes us understand issues and tackle them in a way that is best for us. This does not mean that we spend time 1Y0-A23 practice exam updating our awareness of others unfortunate circumstances just to create different ways to earn off it. This would change you into an inhuman person.
Being aware is, understanding that there are no short cuts in the forest of life. It includes tolerating others as long as it is fair and just. Tolerance cannot be overwrought and overstretched. In fact nothing on this earth is limitless. Even love and hate have their limits. So being aware is constant understanding of the paradoxes of life.
Some tips to keep awareness well oiled and updated:
1. Be aware of all challenges and opportunities that come to you. Interaction with other people will show you if you are being treated fairly or unfairly. So, be aware of your surroundings. No human can know everything about everything. So you will always be amongst people who know more or less than you. Since there is a definite difference in knowledge there may be a tendency to control.
2. When others try to control you, be aware about the things that are affected in this control exercise. It takes time to figure this one out, especially when it involves women and girls. Children have to obey their parents in the Lord, while parents have to do their duty towards their children. Hence within the family, control is a good thing within limits. Like everything else control too has limits. 1Y0-A04 practice exam But under no circumstances should children disobey or hide from parents. If they do not like something they should explain themselves without going off the handle. The parent knows if the child can handle a situation or not. No one is as interested in the child's well being as a parent is, hence no one has rights on deciding what is good for the child other than the parent. Parents know when to let the child stay in a situation and when to remove the child from a situation.
3. If control is exercised by outsiders then, be aware that this could lead to a situation where others might take advantage of your tolerance. Tolerate only as much as you can. With outsiders, usually control is exercised by way of bullying and threat or false friendship. Sometimes with a certain type of friendship you do not need an enemy as both are one. Do not give in to threats or false friendships as they are the basic forms of injustice. Speak out against such injustice that continues into the present day by the same set of people. If the injustice has left you then you should leave it. But if threats continue then speak out. It is very easy to fool children. Adults always use other people's children to fool. In those days a person whose age was 21 years was considered tentatively, an adult but now the governments have reduced the age to 18 and have out unnecessary burden on young minds as they are not ready to know the difference between family and others. Girls should be aware of the extent of how much is to be tolerated from others. Everything starts at home. Obeying and helping parents will set limits to each ones tolerance and will show how to get away from all control freaks holds. Do not go around saying you can handle everything without your mothers help. The Lord is not a fool to give you a mother. So do not fool yourself and do not let others fool you into thinking so. Growth is common 9L0-509 to everyone. Hence ignorance at the beginning of growth too is common to all. God made parents to help you as you grow out of your ignorance before you venture into the world or society.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Exercise To Activate The Alchemy Of Prosperity

Activity Number One
An excellent means of enhancing your level of prosperity and increasing your success consciousness is by keeping a diary for this purpose.
Divide each 1Y0-A16 practice exam page in half down the middle creating two columns.
Title the left column "gifts and services" and the right column "miracles and manifestations"
At the end of each day note down all your kind helpful actions and gifts. This could be almost any constructive act such as giving flowers, sending a greeting card, donating money or clothing to a homeless person or volunteering your time. The possibilities are endless.
The right hand column is for is for the miracles and benefits that begins to flow into your life. The left hand column is outflow and the right hand column is in flow. An entry is to be made each day.
If you persist with positive efforts and seek to expand your givingness you will be amazed and delighted at the increasing abundance and miracles that begin to flow to you. When you combine this with affirmations and visualizing the achievement of your goals you can transform your life. To be truly effective you must work this plan for at least 90 days. You may want 1Y0-A17 practice exam to keep your little "book of miracles" as a permanent part of your inner and outer work.
Activity Number Two
Many people block the circulation of abundance into their lives by accumulating vast amounts of material things that they no longer need or use. Make a through inventory of all your material possessions and then decide which ones are taking up space or no longer serve you and resolve to remove them out of your life. Have a garage sale of these items and if you can't sell them give them away. There is a saying "what isn't given is lost" and remember that giving opens the way for receiving.
Activity Number Three
Sit down in your favorite chair with a pen and pad of paper and reflect on your long-term life goals.
What would you most like to do with your life?Ask yourself if your work or career is really helping to make the world a better place - if not - why not
In the light of the law of the seed consider the long-term implications of engaging in your present vocation. Many people would like to change their career or jobs but are not able to do so for numerous valid reasons. Even if your work is not your ideal think of activities you can engage in that will help create a better world.
All that I need and more is coming my way
I hold the key to limitless abundance by the constructive use of my mind and all my 7306 faculties
There are no limitations in the universal mind and I affirm abundance and prosperity for myself and others
As I benefit others through service I open a channel of abundance to flow into my life

Expand at the Moment of Contraction

We can't control anything or anyone outside of ourselves. We can only control how we react or how we respond to what is going on outside of ourselves. When something happens we can either 1Y0-A14 practice exam contract or expand. It's a choice. We might not be aware that there is a choice, but if you are watchful you can catch yourself choosing to expand or contract. If you are contracting your jaw will get tense, you'll bite down on your teeth, you'll start holding our breath, your pupils will dilate, and your mind will start racing. You'll feel stressed. You'll feel anxious. On the other hand, if you choose to expand your heart rate slows down, your breath smooths out, your mind relaxes and expands, other perspectives show up and often a resolution may presents itself. Learning and growth occur as a new way of being emerges. You move from being stuck and frustrated to being excited with another opportunity for growth. Life becomes an adventure and an exploration. Wonder becomes a new habitual state of being.
The key here is to be aware of how you are reacting in the moment. By learning to expand at the moment of contraction you can begin to take control of how you are dealing with your 1Y0-A15 practice exam every day life. You move away from being a victim where terrible things happen to you, to being a person who is choosing to respond to life's challenges. I'm not suggesting that this is an easy process, if it was no one would be experiencing stress and fear. However, it's a choice and it can become a habitual way of being. My challenge to you is to be watchful. Notice when you are contracting. Notice what you are saying to yourself. Notice the pictures you are holding in your mind. Notice the solutions or lack of solutions that seem to be present. At that moment of awareness, take a breath and expand. Spread your arms out and breathe deeply. Don't think. Just breathe. Keep taking deep breaths until your relax. Once you start to relax, allow yourself to expand. Keep expanding your awareness until you are about 30 feet in the air looking down. Then expand until you see your entire community. Keep expanding until you see your entire country. Expand until you see the entire planet in your mind's eye. Take another breath and expand until you see the entire solar system. Once you are at this level, ask for a resolution to the situation that's 7304 disturbing you to be presented. Allow yourself to stay in this expanded state until you are in a place of understanding.
Expand at the moment of contraction. Joy will be there waiting for you.

Failures Accomplish Something

If you choose to call a setback, a collapse, a deterioration, a lack, an inability, or falling short of by the word failure then do so. Somehow I'm not sure if I really agree that there are any failures in life when I 1Y0-A11 practice exam really think about it. To me failures are more like sign posts, big and small, for clarification, awareness, restructuring, rethinking, new perspectives, and another detour to awakenings. Failure is not an option; it just is. It's like death; it's not an option. It just is. However, we've tagged the word failure as being useless, worthless, weak, wimpy, incapable, or a downright idiot. Nonetheless, what is an option is whether you get up from that failure or setback, or allow it to take you down.
Every failure symbolizes one more step taken on the road to success as one's faith is in the presence of true self hood. You must go deep within to the true essence 1Y0-A13 practice exam of your mind's eye and know that It is greater than any obstacle before you. Yes, you are human. You will falter. Rest if you must, however, you must keep striving. You must continue with persistence, and be tenacious. Do the work to let go of following the crowd and pleasing everyone in the family,colleague, and friend realm. You have a purpose. You are the only one that knows that purpose. If you keep following a man-made deity or what society preaches to you, you will only be disappointed. Call it stubborn. I choose strong-will and higher independence.
The worst part about sitting back and being afraid to fail, is the feeling of regret. Regret begins to eat you alive. Bit-by-bit and day-by-day. Regret doesn't go away until you stand up courageously, move through the failure by taking a risk, and know that there is greater possibility in front of you... and that YOU can achieve it. That you have that ability, that strength in the face of all adversity, with the divine power flowing within, to do it. 7303 In the process, find out what failure has accomplished you; and, anytime you get down on yourself about the mistakes you've made, remember these accomplishments from the failings.

Faithful Or Fearful - Whose Side Are You on?

"When you are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, Faith is knowing that one of two things will happen; there will be something solid to stand on or you will immediately learn to fly." -
Unknown 1Y0-A06 practice exam Author
As hard as I try, I can't seem to BE in two places at once. Have you noticed that? You can't be on vacation and in your office at the same time. (My husband and I joke about inventing a cloning machine so we can leave our clones at work while we stay at the beach!)
It's equally true that I can't DO two things at once, either.
"Now, wait a minute," you say. "I'm famous for multi-tasking."
Well... not really. You can certainly have more than one project 'on your mind', but if you pay close attention to yourself, you are really only doing multiple tasks sequentially.
If I'm trying to listen to an MP3 teaching and playing computer games, my brain flips back and forth: sometimes catching the information, sometimes playing the game. As a result, I might eventually win a game 1Y0-A05 practice exam a solitaire, but I certainly didn't comprehend most of the teaching.
The same rule applies to emotions. You cannot be happy AND sad, angry AND loving, grateful AND selfish. One emotion cancels the other out. They can happen sequentially, but they don't happen at the same time.
Why is that knowledge important to you?
Because it gives you power.
You see, you can control which emotion to focus on, just like you choose which task to work on or which place to be. That's right, you CHOOSE. Anger cancels love; happy eliminates sad.
Take it a step further. Are you fearful or faithful? Stop and think about it for a minute before you answer. Many of us believe
There's an old expression about 'sitting on the fence'. Basically, it means you are not making any progress because you will not pick a side. So there you sit... caught in the middle. Your faith doesn't work because you keep short-circuiting it with your fear. Prayer becomes ineffective; results don't materialize.
To receive the full benefit and blessing of Faith, you must stay on that side of the fence. Faith and fear do not mix. They are like oil and water. They cannot occupy the same space 7004 at the same time. So, hang on to your faith. Believe in the outcomes you desire. Stay in Faith and don't let fear, doubt or worry steal your blessing. You choose...

Fake It Till You Make It and Have Fun Along the Way

For those of you who have heard the term fake it till you make it, I am here to tell you that you fall into two categories. One group consists of the eye-rollers. These guys hear buzzwords and 1Y0-A08 practice exam affirmations such as these and roll their eyes collectively. For them, there is no such thing as "making it."
They come from the cynical old school where there is no substitute for hard work and one must always remember one's station in life. If you are born to a janitor, then you should not pretend to become a rich movie producer or an actor. This article is not meant for that group of people because it is impossible to convince them.
The second group of folks who have heard the term stare wide eyed at the people who actually live by this motto. They dream about it as they sleep and even when they are awake most of the time. This article is for them; the dreamers. You see, it is them who are the innovators; people who change the world because they believe in something. Let me tell these people that this 1Y0-A09 practice exam maxim is very true. It is possible to fake it till you make it and because of the basic facts of human psychology.
"Fake it till you make it" is basically how con-men operate. People will believe you to be anything you believe yourself to be. Unless you display outward signs of mental illness, if you say you are a rich oil baron then people have no reason to distrust you. If you are wearing a well cut suit and expensive sunglasses when you say you are a rich oil baron then you can probably fool most people.
But the key is not fooling other people, it is fooling yourself but in a good way. Once You believe that you are a rich oil baron, and you start an oil company; chances are that you will indeed one day become a rich oil baron. How can I say this? Well I am talking relatively.
That means that if two people own small fledgling oil companies and one believes himself to be an oil baron whereas the other does not; the first guy is likely to succeed and have a great ride getting there. This is because while the second guy is waiting to become an oil baron before actually behaving like one, the first guy is already behaving like one and having fun with it.
This will 7003 lower his stress and promote clear thinking and remove the dreaded "what ifs" therefore increasing his chances of success. So go ahead, strut if you like. If you are faking it, then you will most likely make it too.

Fall Deeply in Love With Your Life

Let me start with an excerpt from one of my favorite books "The Invitation" by Oriah,
"When I turn my face away from the longing because of my fear of being the fool, I must work to cover the cracks in my 1Y0-700 practice exam resolve to abandon the heat of my desire. But my soul is too aligned with life to give up. Late at night when I am too weary to push away the longing, she comes looking for me, begging me to simply be with her and my fear of her. I can hear her, a small, insistent voice asking me to remember that desire lived brings ecstasy of falling more deeply in love with my own life every day. And in the moment of this remembering, no risk seems to great."
Falling in Love with your own life every day. Imagine that. Taking risks to make your life exactly how you want it to be. Happy with your choices and no regrets. Of course there are choices 1Y0-800 practice exam we wish we didn't make, or roads we took that looking back were not the best, leave all that behind you. Now is the time to make your life everything you want it to be. How? Start with....
Who Surrounds you?
Choose your friends wisely. Positive uplifting people can make all the difference. When you are with inspiring people, you too become inspired.
Your Career?
Is it time to take some new classes, read some books, attend seminars to get you excited about your profession? Or is it time to take a risk and find one that you truly enjoy.
Your Partner?
Do they nourish you? Love you? Fulfill you? Are you more joyful with them, or without them? Seek to be with your true soul mate, if you have already found him/ are blessed indeed.
What fuels your passion? Sports? Scrapbooking? Reading? Creating? Find it. Engage in these activities regularly. Just because you are busy doesn't mean you should give up on what you enjoy most. Make the time 6401 to do what you love. If you don't find the time, no one else will find it for you.
Create your life how you want it to be. Love yourself. Love your friends. Love your Life.

Fate Versus Free Will

I personally, love the topic of fate versus free will and there have been many times in my life, as I'm sure there have been times in your life, when you have asked yourself the question; "Are we really in control of our 1Y0-308 practice exam lives?"
Whilst this is not intended to be a religious debate, I will, however, be taking a holistic approach as I go about giving you my view-point in regards to this topic. Firstly, I believe in God and that God has control over the destiny of humankind and the history of humankind on earth and that God is universal, or omnipresent. I also believe that nothing and no-one can go beyond the will of God in regard to his purpose for us. It is important for me to have stated this, as from now on, I am going to be referring to this topic on a personal level and not, in regards to humankind as a whole.
I think the best answer to this question, is yes and no.
Why do I say this?
Well, firstly, there are certain things in life, call them circumstances, call them situations, call them facts, that we are born into and inherit and for which, 1Y0-A19 practice exam we can choose to believe, we have no control over. For instance; our family, our race, our religion, our sex, our nationality, our looks, our intelligence, our personal strengths (gifts and yes we all have them) and weaknesses, our living standards and income-class. All of these things affect, to a certain extent, who we are.
Why do I say, "To a certain extent?"
I say this, because fate, as I see it, is not cast in stone.
I firmly believe that God gives each of us free will and because of this, we each have a direct and conscious say and affect, in how we walk the path of our life.
We can choose, therefore, to be victors or victims of the circumstances that life deals us. Whether we ultimately make a success of our lives, depends largely, upon ourselves.
Another way to view this, is to picture yourself in a large room. The room can signify your current situation, or circumstance. The room, however, has many closed doors for you to choose from, this is your free will. Each door leads to another room which, in turn, has more doors to choose from and each room has its own new and unique situation, or circumstance. For each action (opening a door), there is a reaction (a new room). We don't, however, have to leave the room we find ourselves in, although, even the lack of action, has a consequence, or reaction and not always a positive 6304 reaction.
In summary; our actions or lack of action, which are governed by our free will, has a direct effect on our lives and our eventual fate.

Father's Day - Giving or Receiving?

Are you a dad? Do you have a dad? We all do don't we!
Do you relate to Father's Day? I know guys who do and I know a lot of fathers who don't mainly because of its commerciality. It just one 156-910.71 practice exam big buy, buy, buy phenomenon.
This was my outlook for years and years. I managed quite successfully (sometimes) to get the message through that a telephone call or a card will do. It's amazing how one's children forget things like this and only after 12 months. And there I would be, minding my own business, and a child daughter arrives with package in hand. My protestations never went far.
It's not that I was a bah humbug type of person, it was more to do with the notion that for me it was no big deal. In those days though, I was different person than I am today. What I missed back then was that it was important to my daughters that they remembered me on that day.
So the real change happened to me a about 18 months ago, 6 months before Fathers Day.
I had one of those ah ha moments with respect to my daughters.
Let me explain.
The ah-ha moment happened after a conversation I had with each daughter. I decided that they were old enough to look after themselves and I told them so. I suggested that if they wanted advice from me they would have to ask for it, I was never going to give unsolicited advice again. Now that, in itself, is story 1Y0-259 practice exam for another time. What happened after these conversations was quite extraordinary---something new developed in my relationship with my daughters. There was a new respect, a deeper connection and a more developed love. It has been incredible.
So what has this to do with Fathers Day?
I made a decision that Fathers Day was not only a celebration of my daughters' relationship with me, it would also be a celebration of my gratitude for having two beautiful daughters who are such an important part of my life.
To put it simply, I would thank them for being so special to me.
How does one do this? Well, I had to think about that because I didn't want it to become commercial. I wanted it special. Last year, I got to work and engraved two small perspex plates with a quote (from me) which I attached to a small timber block, wrapped them in paper with a card and presented it too them. It was a lovely occasion, one that I will remember for a long time, and I notice both my daughters still have their gifts.
This year, what am I doing? Artwork, especially for them. Yes, the masterpieces are done, took me a couple of days and I finished them a few days before father's day.
Call to Action.

Your call to action is to understand that what you give, you receive hundreds of times over. Every day, have gratitude for the small wonderful things in your life, like the sound of your child's laughter, the look your son or daughter gives you when you communicate with him or her, and how he or she feels to you when you give them a hug.
Don't have access to your children? Maybe you need to give me or someone a call, especially if you need a bit of help.
What I do when I receive my gift from my 6301 daughters is give something in return that reminds them that they are so special to me.
And of course, the great stuff that happens to me as I'm preparing their gifts is work bottling, I love that feeling.

Fear is a Bully, Put it in Its Place

On your death bed, who would you want to be comforted by; your achievements or your fears? You bet your fears are going to be there if you never got rid of them. If it lives in you, where else do you 156-715.70 practice exam expect it to be?
Have you ever put someone in their place because they lied to you; disrespected you or say something about you that you know for a fact is not true? That's what we need to do with fear. Put it in its place, now.
Fear does not exist in the world. It is not tangible. You cannot identify fear on the streets or anywhere and say; that is fear of rejection, looking good. Or that is fear of failure, wow, looking hot. Fear is an illusion and we need to wake up out of our illusion and put fear in its proper place - out of our lives. Fear is an invisible bully. If you have allowed it to rule your life, then you have allowed it to bully you around.
The way to get rid of fear permanently is to face it, head on. Remember the saying, do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain. When you do the thing you fear, fear will back 156-215.71 practice exam off, because you assert yourself as the one in control. So the solution then becomes simply: if you fear something, do it anyway. If you feel discomfort because of your doubts and insecurities do what you fear anyway. Challenge fear. Let fear fear you, not you fear fear. When fear wants to embody you, it will be afraid because it realizes you are secure in who you are; you know what you want and you are going after it. What you say to yourself also gives you strength against fear. Be assertive to the negative voices in your mind. Develop your own mental weapon against negative influences that sieve through to your subconscious.
Make two columns on a black page. On one side write three to five goals you absolutely must achieve. The other side put your doubts, insecurities, excuses. Which column would be prefer to fuel. If you are not on the path to achieving what you want ultimately, then fear is already winning. Choose your goals and not doubts. Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we often could win, by fearing to attempt. When you decide against achieving a goal and create excuses why you can not do the very thing that 6209 you know you want, then you have decided to choose fear. Who is fear anyway to tell you that you can't do something. The choice is yours. You choose.

Fears Did This to Me Too! And You?

One of my biggest passions is to help people to start designing and living the life of their dreams. We can all do this, as we were all born with the same tools and we have the same potential, even 156-707.70 practice exam when we come different societal and cultural backgrounds! I am unique in a way that from my school mates, I am the only one living in a different country, the only one that created his own business, and the only who is creating more from his life, and all of this know that my family was quite poor, and I have only a limited academic education. It took massive steps and faith to arrive here, even if it was, until recently, unconscious.
There are many reasons why people are not living this way, e.g. by design. Fears, limiting beliefs, lack of being in power, societal beliefs and conditioning, inner question, lack of responsibility and response-ability, lack of true purpose.
In a recent series of blog, I focused a lot on Fears! Why? Because first, it is my personal experience, and in the past, no matter what I was doing, I always managed to turn something great into a disaster... it is called sabotaging! Oh, yes, I did sabotage lots of things in my life, and thus attracting misery on me... getting myself being fired, losing money, destroying big business potentials, but also on a deeper level, making myself being unworthy of anything, and putting me in a 156-708.70 practice exam state of neediness (by creating a problem, so that I will get attention), and destroying the things that were the most wonderful in my life, destroying my most amazing relationship!
Oh, yes and all of this out of one thing that I created, and this is Fear, and letting fear control my life, and letting it develop these movies of may happen! And guess what? All this activates the Law of Attraction by attracting more of this, or even some of the potential outcomes of my self made and fear-induced movies!
Is this a way of living? Does this resonate with you? Are you letting your fears controlling you? Did you sabotage things in the past? Oh, I guess that most of you have experienced this! And most of the people of this planet are living their lives constrained by these fears, and lead them to a mediocre life, in which they are not taking the steps towards an easier life and more enjoyable life! Isn't what life is about? To live a extraordinary experience, in full harmony with our dreams, our desires, and enjoy it at each moment?
I am so glad to share this with you, as I may trigger something in you that will help you towards a better life for you, and your desires, and help you taking these actions that will make a real difference in your life!
And on the way, I am sharing some of the things I am doing, and I am not saying that fears are gone from my life, but I can now be more conscious of them, and I can better take decisions in my life, and not to give up on my dreams!
I really hope that I am giving you some inspiration for your life, 6207 and maybe the courage to take the actions you deserve to take to grow into the wonderful human being you are!
Feel free to watch these videos again and again, and I am really looking forward to continuing this life journey with you!
From my heart, Bertrand