Saturday 31 December 2011

Chakra Number Four - The Heart Chakra - Anahata

Ok, I do hope you have read the previous articles and started to work with your energy centres, the benefits of this work are too many to mention here in these short articles, but I am sure that when you start this rewarding work on yourself, you CSSBB practice test will want to learn as much as you can about our Chakra System and how you can enhance the joy in your life.
So What is Anahata, well this is our heart Chakra, the first of the universal centres connecting us to higher power an unconditional love. This is the place of divine harmony. It is located in the centre of the chest and some people say its green, and some say pink, personally I feel a very vibrant green with pink flowing through it.
We all know that the physical heart keeps us alive, we know what love feels like, and we know how devastating it is to have our heart-broken, these feelings come through the Anahata. When we hurt like this, especially if we have experienced the feeling many times, we may shut our heart Chakra down, this is a cold and dark place to be.
The heart Chakra also relates physically to our lungs, arms, hands and our thymus gland.
The heart Chakra is placed in the centre of our Chakra System and prompts us to learn balance in all aspects of our being so ACMP3.3 practice test that we may reach unconditional love, peace and harmony.
The heart Chakra out of balance.
If the heart Chakra is unbalanced or unaligned, we can then expect to feel emotionally lost and lonely. We will feel needy, unable to stand-alone, depressed and resentful. We will take on the belief that we cannot trust others or the universe. Physically we could suffer with heart problems, high or low, blood pressure, asthma or allergies, breast problems, bronchial problems and a low immune system. We most likely will develop bad posture, due to closing down our heart Chakra.
With the heart chakra closed or unbalanced, life does not feel worth living, it is more like survival, of course it hurts, but we must learn that it is life experience for us to grow, closing the heart is to slowly die. Easy said I know.
So the heart in balance.
When the heart Chakra is in balance and shining its glorious sun, then life is beautiful. We will see good in everything, be open to new experience, live in gratitude and acceptance, understanding of life's experience teaching and expanding us. We have clarity and see our place clearly in the bigger scheme of things. E20-016 We seek and follow our true path. We feel peace and tranquility, no duality or inner struggle. We will expect nothing, but give unconditionally and know that we will always be provided for.
To work with your Chakras is to truly honour yourself, your life and the Universe
Affirmation for Anahata.
I surrender to higher love. I am connected to the source of spiritual power. I can heal myself.

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