Saturday 31 December 2011

Chakra Number Five - The Throat Chakra - Vishuddha

What is Vishuddha,
The inner being is creatively expressed in truth
Physically this Chakra is associated with the throat, ears, mouth, the thyroid gland, and the neck and shoulders. Getting to know and work regularly 5A0-200 practice test with the throat Chakra, teaches us the value of purifying ourselves with honesty and having the confidence to express this creatively. We must work through the lower Chakras first to be able to open the throat Chakra in its positive sense.
Vishuddha out of balance.
When our throat Chakra is out of balance or unaligned we will feel afraid of communication, we believe that we have nothing of value to say and will be unheard. We will feel conflict within ourselves as the Chakra prompts us to be with our truth. We will have that argument with the other us, It is like the higher, wiser self makes us feel inadequate. We are separated and confused, doubting our beliefs, our creativity is likely to be blocked. Physically we could suffer with throat problems, loss of voice, mouth ulcers, hearing problems, neck ache, ear infections, 5A0-130 practice test teeth and gum trouble and thyroid imbalance., Eating disorders are also related to the throat Chakra.
Vishuddha in balance
When this Chakra is in balance and harmony, we experience wisdom from our higher self and so we feel strong in our convictions, committed to our causes and beliefs. There is no inner conflict, we are unrestricted by form and able to choose our path with clarity. We are able to express our true self and nature freely and openly. We feel relaxed and secure, we become direct, honest and self-confident. We learn that kind words lift and lighten the spirit. We learn to choose words that bring value to communication, words are expressed more slowly and with deeper meaning.
True communicators are heard and understood, they speak their truth, and are able to express all emotions without blame of another, they take responsibility for their words and beliefs. If we have trouble understanding what a person is saying it is likely that they are E20-017 not committed to what they think they believe, and so do not express clearly.
Affirmations for Vishudda
I can listen. I hear the cosmic sound within. I know when to speak and when not to speak. What I say has Value.

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