Wednesday 28 December 2011

Fear is a Bully, Put it in Its Place

On your death bed, who would you want to be comforted by; your achievements or your fears? You bet your fears are going to be there if you never got rid of them. If it lives in you, where else do you 156-715.70 practice exam expect it to be?
Have you ever put someone in their place because they lied to you; disrespected you or say something about you that you know for a fact is not true? That's what we need to do with fear. Put it in its place, now.
Fear does not exist in the world. It is not tangible. You cannot identify fear on the streets or anywhere and say; that is fear of rejection, looking good. Or that is fear of failure, wow, looking hot. Fear is an illusion and we need to wake up out of our illusion and put fear in its proper place - out of our lives. Fear is an invisible bully. If you have allowed it to rule your life, then you have allowed it to bully you around.
The way to get rid of fear permanently is to face it, head on. Remember the saying, do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain. When you do the thing you fear, fear will back 156-215.71 practice exam off, because you assert yourself as the one in control. So the solution then becomes simply: if you fear something, do it anyway. If you feel discomfort because of your doubts and insecurities do what you fear anyway. Challenge fear. Let fear fear you, not you fear fear. When fear wants to embody you, it will be afraid because it realizes you are secure in who you are; you know what you want and you are going after it. What you say to yourself also gives you strength against fear. Be assertive to the negative voices in your mind. Develop your own mental weapon against negative influences that sieve through to your subconscious.
Make two columns on a black page. On one side write three to five goals you absolutely must achieve. The other side put your doubts, insecurities, excuses. Which column would be prefer to fuel. If you are not on the path to achieving what you want ultimately, then fear is already winning. Choose your goals and not doubts. Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we often could win, by fearing to attempt. When you decide against achieving a goal and create excuses why you can not do the very thing that 6209 you know you want, then you have decided to choose fear. Who is fear anyway to tell you that you can't do something. The choice is yours. You choose.

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