Thursday 29 December 2011

3 Tips On Being Aware

A human beings development is based on the extent of awareness and how that knowledge is utilized. Being aware makes us understand issues and tackle them in a way that is best for us. This does not mean that we spend time 1Y0-A23 practice exam updating our awareness of others unfortunate circumstances just to create different ways to earn off it. This would change you into an inhuman person.
Being aware is, understanding that there are no short cuts in the forest of life. It includes tolerating others as long as it is fair and just. Tolerance cannot be overwrought and overstretched. In fact nothing on this earth is limitless. Even love and hate have their limits. So being aware is constant understanding of the paradoxes of life.
Some tips to keep awareness well oiled and updated:
1. Be aware of all challenges and opportunities that come to you. Interaction with other people will show you if you are being treated fairly or unfairly. So, be aware of your surroundings. No human can know everything about everything. So you will always be amongst people who know more or less than you. Since there is a definite difference in knowledge there may be a tendency to control.
2. When others try to control you, be aware about the things that are affected in this control exercise. It takes time to figure this one out, especially when it involves women and girls. Children have to obey their parents in the Lord, while parents have to do their duty towards their children. Hence within the family, control is a good thing within limits. Like everything else control too has limits. 1Y0-A04 practice exam But under no circumstances should children disobey or hide from parents. If they do not like something they should explain themselves without going off the handle. The parent knows if the child can handle a situation or not. No one is as interested in the child's well being as a parent is, hence no one has rights on deciding what is good for the child other than the parent. Parents know when to let the child stay in a situation and when to remove the child from a situation.
3. If control is exercised by outsiders then, be aware that this could lead to a situation where others might take advantage of your tolerance. Tolerate only as much as you can. With outsiders, usually control is exercised by way of bullying and threat or false friendship. Sometimes with a certain type of friendship you do not need an enemy as both are one. Do not give in to threats or false friendships as they are the basic forms of injustice. Speak out against such injustice that continues into the present day by the same set of people. If the injustice has left you then you should leave it. But if threats continue then speak out. It is very easy to fool children. Adults always use other people's children to fool. In those days a person whose age was 21 years was considered tentatively, an adult but now the governments have reduced the age to 18 and have out unnecessary burden on young minds as they are not ready to know the difference between family and others. Girls should be aware of the extent of how much is to be tolerated from others. Everything starts at home. Obeying and helping parents will set limits to each ones tolerance and will show how to get away from all control freaks holds. Do not go around saying you can handle everything without your mothers help. The Lord is not a fool to give you a mother. So do not fool yourself and do not let others fool you into thinking so. Growth is common 9L0-509 to everyone. Hence ignorance at the beginning of growth too is common to all. God made parents to help you as you grow out of your ignorance before you venture into the world or society.

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