Saturday 31 December 2011

Chakra Number Seven - The Crown Chakra - Sahasrara

What is the Sahasrara? Why do I need to work with it? How will I benefit from working with this?
Sahasrara, the beautiful crown Chakra
one thousand fold - infinity
The crown Chakra is situated at the top of the head and is depicted 3DSMax10_A practice test as the lotus flower with one thousand petals. It is usually seen as bright white, silver, gold or vibrant violet. I have always seen it mainly white with violet and gold, like something you would imagine pouring from a magic wand. As the flower opens universal light floods in and pours over the body like a fountain of healing light.
The crown Chakra may be the last of our seven Chakras, but by no means does it signify an end or our destination, it is the beginning, a rebirth! This is our highest link to the realms of spirit, connecting us firmly to home, signifying a new way of life and enriching us with new experience, a promise of infinity, heavenly divine wisdom and enlightenment. Your hotline to heaven!
Our journey through the Chakras brings us to the gift of new horizons and expanded consciousness so that our lives may be fulfilled, healthy and full of joy.
The crown Chakra is concerned on a physical level with the upper skull, skin, the central nervous system and the pineal MAYA11_A practice test gland (a small gland in the centre of the brain). The pineal gland is no bigger than the size of a pea but considered to be the seat of our soul! According to scientific research, it regulates our internal body clock. Emotionally the crown Chakra is concerned with our thoughts and mind.
Sahasrara out of balance.
When the crown chakra is out of balance or unaligned, we feel little or no connection to a higher power, and always feel alone. We feel let down and abandoned, always asking 'why'
Sahasrara in balance
When our crown Chakra is in balance and aligned, we feel connected to a higher power, be it God, Universal Consciousness or our higher self, however you see this power. We live in bliss and a state of gratitude. As we go through our daily life, we feel connected to something bigger that is keeping us safe and watching over us. We feel assured that our life will unfold in the way that is best for us and all our needs are taken care of. We feel at peace with the world and connected to the higher power.
Perfect balance of the crown Chakra can be found when the mind can be still and our energy is free to expand, meditation brings us into this state, we may even find it when walking with our mind relaxed, walking by the E20-593 ocean or high on a mountain. The Chakra opens fully, the aura expands and reaches out to the higher energy bringing us the knowledge and feeling of divine peace.
Affirmations for Sahasrara
I am at one with the universe. I experience the bigger picture. I experience trust in the universal energy. I surrender to higher power. The universe and me, me and the universe are one.

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