Saturday 31 December 2011

Chakra Number One - Root Chakra - Muladhara

The journey of healing your through our Chakras, starts with the root Chakra, called the Muladhara. Here we will discuss the effect that it has on our life, what happens when this Chakra is blocked? What happens when it is in balance?
Muladhara CQE practice test means root or support, this is the first of our seven Chakras, the foundation for the rest of the system and is connected to mother earth, it draws its energy from the earth. The root Chakra is located around the base of the spine and genital area, it sits within our energy field and draws energy from the earth into our bodies. This is why we are advised to sit properly for meditation, to sit in the correct way means the Chakra is perfectly connected to mother earth. It resonates with the colour red.
The root Chakra is concerned with all of your physical needs and basic human survival, it links to gravity, constantly pulling downwards so keeping us grounded and connected to our material existence. It is about getting things done and moving forward, motivation and desire. It relates to how you feel about your body and others, your relationships, feelings and sensations in your physical body, and how you feel in the physical world. Do you feel safe and at home? Are your physical needs met? If you have relationship problems, or you feel insecure with your surroundings then you may want to work on your root Chakra.
So lets look at what happens when this Chakra is not at its best.
If the root chakra is in an unbalanced or unaligned state, it would cause feelings of not belonging, being in the wrong place, not feeling safe and not trusting anyone or anything around you. You would be feeling isolated and alone, not able to get things moving and cannot focus on what needs to be done. You would feel that your needs are not CQA practice test being met, stuck and unable to change anything. There is a huge desire to run and escape. I think we all some times make excuses, you know when you say 'oh well if I only had the money I would ', or,' it's not my fault I can't do this'. This is your root Chakra out of balance! Your body will ache and you may suffer with joints and bones. This Chakra is the foundation of your energy system so it will relate to the foundation of you physical body!
Muladhara is about everything you are able to create and manifest in your life, we have a great idea, this is air energy, we get really excited about it, this is fire energy, now we need to ground it with earth energy for it to be complete. So think about this, if you are struggling to complete a project, then your root chakra maybe stagnant, wake it up and complete. It is through this energy center that we find our unique gifts, and are able to share them with the world!
So lets look at this Chakra in balance.
When this Chakra is in good working order, you will feel confident, fearless and safe, you will find solutions not problems. You will feel safe in your body and in your life, you have no doubt of your abilities and you will make things happen. You will have good relationships with people and be able to trust, you will have fulfilling sexual experience because you feel completely safe in your own body, you are aware of your feelings. You will live in the present here and now, be calm serene and peaceful. You will complete projects and you will manifest your dreams. You will have strength and courage.
Through working on the chakras we can achieve our goals. Working on the root Chakra can transform fear into courage, pain into love and pleasure, and negative feelings into positive, life changing creative energy! E20-381 Also we start to create more balance through the rest of the Chakras, of course we have to work on those too, but to keep the root Chakra in balance is of prior importance. So learn now about your energy centers and how to make your life a whole lot easier and happier!
Affirmation for Muladhara.
I am here now. I am at peace now. I feel safe. I am taken care of My flesh touches the earth.

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