Thursday 29 December 2011

3 Steps to Get Your Groove Back

I talked about the lesson my little dog Lyra taught me - all about climbing that fence to go for your goal.
Today I want to chat a bit about how to swing beyond our new economy fences - to find our Groove and hit it outta the park 1Y0-A21 practice exam of life. So here's what I did over the past weekend to begin finding my fences, and start to get my groove back.
First, you have to find your fences.
I can't.
Smaller dreams.
Giving up.

My list was LONG. Take some time to make yours. And don't avoid the reality. Put it down on paper in all its glory - and Gravity.
Now that you found all the constrictions, what do you do about them?
Second, shift your thinking patterns.
If you think you can't make a certain amount next year - increase that goal by 50% more. Aim big and then believe you can get there. Look at other people making the kind of money you want to make and learn from them.
If you think your business can't grow - set a goal that's beyond any growth you've ever done. Look around at other businesses that are doing just that kind of growth and get inspired. Learn from them, get ideas, get energized and get back in the Groove of Success instead of Gravity.
Pick one dream 1Y0-A18 practice exam that you gave up and start working on it - right now. List the rest of those forgotten wonders and write down a step you can take to start toward them.
For every single dream that's been suffocated thanks to shrinking, giving up or never trying - write down an opposite belief and goal, bigger than the one your started with.

Now focus on those goals and repeat them to yourself until they feel comfortable again. That may take a while, but my bet is a few of them will immediately resonate and feel great. Take that great feeling and apply it to the rest of the harder to believe again goals on the list.
Third - Take Action.
Prioritize your list. Maybe it's based on what's easier or harder. Or maybe it's about what's more fun than work. It doesn't matter. I started with goals I could accomplish quickly- so I'd get a groovy winning feeling early in the process. Now formulate a plan to get going on your top three goals or dreams that have been stuck in Gravity. Every day, take that list and pick three things, one each for three goals, and DO them. Don't think about it, don't plan and ponder. Get out and take action.
That's my 3 step approach. It's working for me already, and 9L0-402 it feels great to be groovy again. That's why I wanted to share it.
SO.... turnabout is fair play. You get to share too. What works for you? How do YOU get your groove back?

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