Saturday 31 December 2011

Chakra Number Three - Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura

What is the Manipura?
So the third Chakra in our energy system is the Solar plexus, sometimes referred to as the navel centre, the Manipura, which in ancient Sanskrit means inner sun (solar) or bright gem, glows bright yellow like the sun, and is located 0B0-101 practice test around the sternum. This chakra, provides the body with its natural fuel, a surge of energy that awakens you, we are talking about fire energy and it is the power source of the body.
The first and second Chakras in our system you will remember, have much to do with how we see and form our relationships with others, while this chakra, the solar plexus, is more concerned with our relationship with our self, it is our personal power centre relating to our identity with the world, our will power and our strength. This is powerful fire energy, on a physical level it relates to the digestive system, the liver is a large organ in the body, it has a large job to do and is governed by the solar plexus. The liver is mostly overworked because of modern diet, and basic disrespect we have shown the body. The liver filters out poisons and toxins and stores nutrients. Psychologically it has to digest our emotions and negative feelings too, think about where you put your hands when you are angry, upset or shocked, the energy of your emotion has just hit your solar plexus. It is important as with all the Chakras to keep energy flowing through the chakra.
So lets look 0B0-103 practice test at the Manipura out of balance.
If this Chakra is out of balance or unaligned we can expect to feel powerless, angry, frustrated, maybe a little egotistical, overwhelmed and feeling victimized, while at the same time having a strong desire to be in control. Physically we most likely are suffering digestive problems. Any emotions that have not been dealt with, will be held in this chakra, the body tightens and holds on, and our digestive system is choked. Many illnesses arise from the digestive system in this state. We could suffer from heartburn, ulcers, diabetes, and bowel disorders. We could tend to be aggressive and create addictions. This list could go on forever, remember this is fire energy, it can be incredibly powerful or equally destructive.
And so to look at the Manipura in balance
Now we are talking! we would in a balanced state, be aware of our own strength and personal power, have a true sense of self-worth and assurance of who we are. We have the ability to generate and release energy, feel charged, empowered and alive. We would have a good strong digestive system so creating good health. We would learn how to use fire energy to its best and propel ourselves forward, obstacles will no longer stand in our way.
This Chakra is a transitional centre, from here E20-651 we move to the heart chakra which is the first of the universal Chakras, and so if we have our personal chakras in balance, from here we are ready to move to a higher frequency.
To work with your Chakras is to truly honour yourself.

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