Saturday 24 December 2011

When People Don't Support You - What's the Problem?

You want to change jobs. You want to go to college. You want something different. In your excitement, you share your decision with a family member or old friend. And they... shrug CIW 1D0-51C question their shoulders or tune you out, or ask why you'd want to do a dumb thing like that? In other words, they didn't support your decision.
After a conversation like this, we can feel pretty down or rejected. It may even cause us to question our choice. However, before we opt ourselves out of doing something we got excited about, consider the other person's side.
Very rarely does it tend to be that people who are not supportive of our changes do so out of something negative. It's likely more true to say that the idea of change, especially to someone not in a mode of change, makes people uncomfortable.
Change, and being ready for it, is a mindset. How many times have we feared the idea of changing something? And yet, when we are open and ready, the concept is welcomed with open arms. How many times have we gone to the same restaurant and ordered the same meal. Then, one day, out of the blue, something inside tugs for us to order something different. It's not so say, though, CIW 1D0-476 question that the others at the table don't order their usual.
We all go through periods in our lives. At some points in our lives, we seem to be more focused on family. Others, more on work and finances. Some on fun and recreation. And yet other times, on health and fitness.
Our lives are in constant flux. And because a change isn't in line for someone else doesn't mean it's not our time. Everyone experiences a time when they are moved to make a change. And when the time isn't now, change is uncomfortable. If we consider that in most cases, this is the primary cause of people not being supportive, we may be able to continue on our path, a little disappointed, though not completely dejected.
And maybe, the disappointment will keep us from acting on the thing we want to change. Or at least cause us to pause. If the desire to make the change is strong enough and pulls us in the direction of whatever it is we want to do hard enough, we'll find our own strength to make that move. And if for some S10-101 reason, our family or friends are still not sharing their support, eventually, it will happen. After any storm, and change could be seen as a type of storm for those not in the place of accepting it, the seas will again calm and life will continue forward, yet from that exciting new place!

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