Wednesday 28 December 2011

Fate Versus Free Will

I personally, love the topic of fate versus free will and there have been many times in my life, as I'm sure there have been times in your life, when you have asked yourself the question; "Are we really in control of our 1Y0-308 practice exam lives?"
Whilst this is not intended to be a religious debate, I will, however, be taking a holistic approach as I go about giving you my view-point in regards to this topic. Firstly, I believe in God and that God has control over the destiny of humankind and the history of humankind on earth and that God is universal, or omnipresent. I also believe that nothing and no-one can go beyond the will of God in regard to his purpose for us. It is important for me to have stated this, as from now on, I am going to be referring to this topic on a personal level and not, in regards to humankind as a whole.
I think the best answer to this question, is yes and no.
Why do I say this?
Well, firstly, there are certain things in life, call them circumstances, call them situations, call them facts, that we are born into and inherit and for which, 1Y0-A19 practice exam we can choose to believe, we have no control over. For instance; our family, our race, our religion, our sex, our nationality, our looks, our intelligence, our personal strengths (gifts and yes we all have them) and weaknesses, our living standards and income-class. All of these things affect, to a certain extent, who we are.
Why do I say, "To a certain extent?"
I say this, because fate, as I see it, is not cast in stone.
I firmly believe that God gives each of us free will and because of this, we each have a direct and conscious say and affect, in how we walk the path of our life.
We can choose, therefore, to be victors or victims of the circumstances that life deals us. Whether we ultimately make a success of our lives, depends largely, upon ourselves.
Another way to view this, is to picture yourself in a large room. The room can signify your current situation, or circumstance. The room, however, has many closed doors for you to choose from, this is your free will. Each door leads to another room which, in turn, has more doors to choose from and each room has its own new and unique situation, or circumstance. For each action (opening a door), there is a reaction (a new room). We don't, however, have to leave the room we find ourselves in, although, even the lack of action, has a consequence, or reaction and not always a positive 6304 reaction.
In summary; our actions or lack of action, which are governed by our free will, has a direct effect on our lives and our eventual fate.

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