Wednesday 4 January 2012

Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

I always tell my clients, "For change to happen you must be willing to get comfortable with being uncomfortable." And why do I tell them that? Because it is 100% true.
Now, for most people, we'll do just about anything to not feel Citrix 1Y0-A11 practice test uncomfortable. We resist, push back, avoid, and procrastinate. We become moody, we sleep too much, eat too much, drink too much... the list just goes on and on. But what are these actions doing to service our growth and ourselves? Absolutely nothing.
Let's face it: change is uncomfortable. Feeling comfortable comes from knowing what to expect, maintaining a status quo and staying within our same old boundaries. In order to make a change, we have to tear down those walls, climb beyond our self-imposed barriers and allow the Big Breakdown to happen.
The Big Breakdown is the uncomfortable period where the change starts to take place. It comes through painful thoughts like, "Who the heck are you to do that?" Systems go haywire, like computers crashing and dropped conference call recordings. At times there are physical manifestations in our bodies like headaches, heartaches, and bellyaches. We feel angry, frustrated and scared so we participate in actions like avoidance when we know, deep down, that it would serve us best to be facing our fears and discomfort head on.
And you Citrix 1Y0-A13 practice test know what? All this discomfort is a good thing! Just beyond the Big Breakdown is the Big Breakthrough where you'll find everything you want and need to grow and succeed. Isn't this cool? Actually, everything we need and want is right under our noses; the Big Breakdown is the Universe's way of getting us to step back and see it. Our initial reaction to the Big Breakdown is to shut it off and run away. I've been there and I totally get it. However, I've taught myself to be comfortable with the uncomfortable, knowing that right past the Big Breakdown is the Big Breakthrough... and that's where the magic happens.
Here are some tips to bust through your own Big Breakdown to reap the benefits of your Big Breakthrough
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Create a "feel good" state of being.

Imagine that you have all of these things, and more. Allow yourself to believe in and expect positive results from the change in your life. Trust that what you really seek will appear.
Are You Willing?
Ask and answer the following questions for yourself:
Are you willing to trade short-term discomfort for long-term success?
How badly do you want your ideal business and delicious lifestyle?
Are you willing to find another way when presented with a road-block?

Just because your bridge telephone line disconnects during your live conference call, you completely spill paint all over a great piece of your artwork, or your important meeting gets canceled, don't take it as a sign that you're no good at your chosen path, that you're not meant to do it or that you're doomed.
When things like this happen, remind yourself of your answers to the above questions. See these minor disruptions as opportunities to improve your systems. Perhaps you would benefit from delegating tasks, asking for help or simply taking GB0-183 a break. It's all up to you! You get to determine what your Big Breakdown means and how you are going respond to it. Will you use it to become empowered or disempowered? (Hint: Pick empowered!)
Embrace the Big Breakdown to get to your Big Breakthrough, release resistance and allow the Universe to work its magic! I promise, it will be worth it!

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