Monday 9 January 2012

Lessons From Superbowl XLV

We all make mistakes. Can you imagine making yours in front of 111 million people? And in an age where news travels faster than the speed of light?
Before Christina Aguilera could even finish the incorrect sentence Exam Express EE0-301 of our National Anthem, her blunder was Tweeted and Facebooked out to millions. Yet, she continued on with grace and skill.
In the following days, the majority of bloggers, reporters, and tweeps focused on the fact that she'd made a mistake instead of giving her credit for having the courage to continue on without breaking down.
I believe there are three valuable lessons to take from Christina's Superbowl experience.
#1 - Put yourself in the other person's shoes. You, no doubt, heard this from your parents and Kindergarten Teacher Exam Express EE0-120 when you were a child. As adults, we often forget the importance of empathy. Instead of automatically criticizing or poking fun whenever someone messes up, let's shower them with kindness. Say something positive and stay away from feeding the negative. After all, isn't that what you would want if it were you?
#2 - Own up to your mistake. Whenever I screw up big time, I often want to hide from the world. I'm sure a part of Christina wanted to go home and bury herself under the covers. Instead, she remarked: "I got so caught up in the moment of the song that I lost my place. I can only hope that everyone could feel my love for this country and that the true spirit of its anthem still came through."
#3 - Have the strength to carry on. Watch the video of Christina singing on Superbowl Sunday. She hardly misses a beat after the mistake. A00-212 She keeps on singing with all of her heart and soul. Someone else may have stomped off or burst out in tears. The next time you make a mistake, gather your courage and just keep going.
Yes, we all make mistakes. If your next one takes place in front of millions (or even a handful), give me a call - I'll jump on Twitter & Facebook and let the world now how wonderfully courageous you are for putting yourself out there!

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