Wednesday 11 January 2012

Overcoming Fear - My Story of Pain and Victory

Overcoming fear is a skill that will serve you very well, yet we usually are not taught how to overcome fear and doubt when they creep into our lives. For some reason these feelings are not very openly discussed in our society, Exam Express EE0-301 exam as if they are things to be ashamed of.
If you've ever fought to overcome fear, doubt and insecurity, you may feel better to know that you are not alone in this struggle. In fact, most people are affected from time to time with feelings that they're not good enough, or that other people won't like them or approve of them.
When I talk about overcoming fear here, I'm not talking about things such as fear of flying or fear of heights. I'm talking about the fear, doubt and insecurity that keep us in emotional bondage. It affects us more on a deep rooted emotional level, and often prevents us from taking actions because we're afraid of not being good enough, or of making other people unhappy with us. It can cause us to feel hopeless and helpless, and can bring us into a state of depression and fear that can be devastating.
As an entrepreneur, I sometimes struggle with these feelings. In fact, just last week I felt a sudden onset of depression and fear that just seemed to pop out of thin air. A dark cloud of hopelessness and self doubt threatened to take over my very being and paralyze me. I began to Exam Express EE0-120 exam wonder if it's all worth the work I put into making my dreams come true.
Through a journey of personal development I've found some things that have helped me learn how to overcome fear, doubt and insecurity, and I was able to break free from the negativity that was beginning to suffocate me. I want to share two of the most important lessons I've learned, the two things that brought me through the pain I was feeling.
Overcoming Fear Through Knowledge
I recently had an experience where depression and fear popped up out of nowhere. It began to play a nasty game in my head, but I suddenly had a revelation. What I realized is that the depression and fear were not my own thoughts that I was unable to control, as they appeared to be. Rather, they were thoughts planted in my mind by an evil enemy, who wants nothing more than to see me suffer and fail in my life.
The very second I had the knowledge that this was not a matter of me struggling for self control of my thoughts, but rather a matter of me fighting against an unworthy opponent, I became empowered. Through that one realization, overcoming fear, doubt and insecurity became a much easier task.
Overcoming Fear Through Faith
As I began to overcome fear and doubt through the knowledge of my own power over it, I also became aware that my faith and belief were tremendously strong tools that could help me through. I had recently been moved by an incredible sermon that practically brought me to tears. The lesson was that for those who have faith, we will always win.
Faith can be defined as the opposite of fear. In fact fear is nothing more than faith that something will go wrong.
This story is really of a personal nature, ST0-099 and some may be ashamed to share stories of weakness. These two simple understandings were so life changing to me, though, that I wanted to give others the chance to see the truth. If you ever are in a situation where you are struggling, trying to figure out how to overcome fear, doubt and insecurity, I hope that you'll remember back to what I've shared with you and that in some way you'll be helped.

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