Thursday 5 January 2012

How Do You Feel When Your Beliefs Are Challenged?

We all have our beliefs and opinions about myriad things in this world, ranging from religion to politics. What has shaped these beliefs can vary among us. Some have reached theirs through deep thought and thorough CIW 1D0-520 practice test examination of their life experiences. Some have simply adopted beliefs handed down to them from others in their life and really never questioned their validity. How we react when we encounter other people who challenge our beliefs is quite revealing.
The more negatively we react to someone else's belief, the greater our level of insecurity about our own. Whatever your beliefs are, whether they lean towards the negative or positive aspect of some issue, if you are fully secure in them, you will not care if someone thinks differently about the issue. Sure, you may clearly disagree with his or her stance, but you will not have an emotional reaction to it. You will just agree to disagree. But, if find yourself getting extremely heated and feel the need to prove your way of thinking is right, all that shows is that there is part of you that maybe is not fully sure what you believe is right and the ensuing diatribe is all about trying to convince yourself and soothe that part that is doing the uncomfortable questioning.
I am someone who has chosen not to have children and I sometimes read message boards, blogs and the like by other child-free people. While this decision is certainly not shocking in this day and age, it is still seen as odd and people like myself have been judged and criticized. A lot of child-free people feel defensive CIW 1D0-51A practice test about their choice and it is understandable. But, based on some of the comments I see posted that bash parents and talk about how they are all miserable and have no lives outside of their children, it is clear that some of these people have not developed full conviction in their beliefs that having children is not necessary for a happy life and that child-free adults are no less valuable. If they fully believed these things, down to their core, they would not feel the need to expend their energy making these types of statements. They would not care about other people's decision to have children and whether or not this decision made them happy or unhappy. Sure, they make some valid points about some people not giving this decision enough thought or how some parents are not so great at their job, but the manner in which they express these sentiments makes it clear there is some issue there. There is nothing wrong with people who choose not to have children, regardless of their reasoning. But the programming of conventional thinking runs deep and for some who have made this decision, there is some part of them that is not fully convinced they,in fact, are okay just as they are - hence the bashing. This applies to other types of issues where people get defensive because they are not fully convinced that how they are living their life is in fact, okay.
If you find yourself getting on the defensive when your beliefs are challenged, I urge you to examine that more deeply. It means that something is off there and you need to figure out what it is to bring a greater sense of peace to your life. This is particularly true if these beliefs are negative ones that are making you unhappy or holding you back in some way. Maybe it is time to adopt some new ones that serve you better. If you are someone who gets on the defensive because you feel like your choices are being criticized, you need to work on developing conviction 190-721 in your beliefs and building a tougher skin to shield yourself against the criticism. As long as you are doing what is right for you and you are not hurting anyone, it does not matter if every person you encounter believes you are wrong.

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