Tuesday 10 January 2012

Our Internal Storms Pave a New Direction

Hurricane Irene hit town recently. Fortunately we escaped the brunt of it. But during my walk in the woods the day after I noticed downed branches and trees. The skyscape seemed very different in spots...more sky showing in places where tree tops used Exin SCNP_EN to be. The pathways, normally dirt and rocks, were laden with green leaves and sticks; flung to the ground by wind and rain.
I became in awe of nature's wisdom. At first I felt badly for the downed trees...some large trees on their side, roots showing from the lifted ground. Some broken branches now were held, like an embrace, in the branches of neighboring trees. They had not quite made it to the forest floor.
But I realized that nature has no "mistakes." Perhaps the fallen branches were ones that were "tired" and had used too much energy to "hang on" to their tree trunks...and now lay resting.
I also noticed the tiniest yellow flowers with teeny petals that were left intact. And wondered how the birds...now chirping happily, remained safe from 50 MPH gusts.
The day following the storm was remarkable, with super clean air and bright sun -- a refreshing change from the downpours and wind. I was grateful for the contrast, realizing so much appreciation was present in me because the contrast was so dramatic.
Without contrasts, I thought, there would be little opportunity for gratitude!
Walking along the path I thought of a metaphor, as I often do in the woods, for parts of myself that perhaps I was forced to let go of during stormy times. Like some of the branches now leaning helpless on another tree, parts of myself sometimes release the clinging, leaving space for more patience, acceptance and peace.
It's as if we humans are meant to surrender to the natural flow of what's required of us. Sometimes it's easy; sometimes we need to be flung about. But always, our soul's wisdom wins.
Like the branch that cracks with the right force of nature, we let go. Then our energy is more available to us Exin SCNS_EN for something else.
With new storm-free vibrancy, perhaps we enter new forms of creativity...a new way of loving more, judging less.
Personal storms have a purpose. The force of a storm clears the air, makes room for new growth, and recycles low energy. It might feel crummy when our internal "wind and rain" are gusting, but suddenly we are cleared, and our expression, like the chirping birds, becomes fuller, stronger and sweeter.
Do you have something you're clinging to? An old habit that doesn't serve you? A way of being with yourself that is not loving? Is some part of you holding back your life's song?
Intuitive coaching sessions can help you see the parts of you that are wanting to be released. When you express from a deep place in a trusting environment, the thoughts swimming around that might be holding you back now have a place to go...releasing the feelings along with them; like letting air out of a balloon. Sometimes when we finally speak out loud, what holds us back loosens its grip.
Your energy system, when clear, can help you hold your higher aspects so you can be in your 510-308 truth.
Your strong sense of Self can return, your mind can be more aware, your feeling states harmonious. From this place of alignment, you can create and manifest easily, and express the bright light you are.

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