Thursday 5 January 2012

How Does Your Personal Vibration Affect Your Life?

"Don't get in the way of life with thoughts that don't move." - Penney Pierce

From sunrise to sunset we are surrounded by waves, invisible frequencies that carry information in and around the world. About us, CIW 1D0-541 practice test everything is oscillating. When it comes to your daily experience of energy, everyday reality presents you with another array of vibrations. In any ordinary day you move freely through energy which affects your physical body, your emotions and thoughts. It's normal for you to shift from the dense frequencies of the lower energy levels to the lighter frequencies of the higher energy levels. Many people I meet want to find a permanent way to remain in the positive energies and live their lives happier and more fulfilled. The most important thing for you to know is that you can influence your personal vibration, it is all possible.
From moment to moment your personal vibration naturally fluctuates as does the expression of energy which arises from the alignment of your different energetic levels. You are a self-organizing system and your personal vibration is affected by the vibrations of others. Your body is like a natural tuning fork, and when you come into contact with someone who is anxious and nervous, your energy will respond in empathy. Some people are more empathic than others, which means that they easily pick up the CIW 1D0-51B practice test energies of those around them. Before they know it they can feel exhausted and drained. It can be like riding an emotional roller-coaster. Despite this, it is important to know that your personal vibration is generated from inside of you. Even empaths can transform their energy. Once you become more conscious in your energy you are less likely to be buffeted by the chaotic frequencies of energies existing within your environment.
By the time you reach adulthood, your natural vibration is often cluttered with the emotional and mental clutter you have picked up along the way. It is this clutter which can prevent you from resonating clearly and getting what you want in your life. You can choose to uncover it and radiate out more clearly anytime you want. So what are you waiting for?
Your energy state is a blend of contracted and expanded frequencies of your body, emotions and thoughts at any given moment. Your physical shape is an embodiment of these energies. The more you allow your authentic self to shine through, the higher your personal vibration will be. Although your personal vibration is affected by the energy around you, ultimately you are in control of your own energy and how you want to resonate out into the world is your choice. As you become more aware of your energy you can stabilize your home frequency, clear your blockages and open up to the flexibility and freedom inherent within your unique dynamic energy system.
Sit quietly and feel into the energy within your 190-831 environment

Contemplate the waves of energy swirling around and within you

Notice how the energy affects you

As you go through your day today, become more aware of your energy. Notice what happens to your energy in different environments and when around different people

Observe your own personal vibration and how you are showing up to your world

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