Wednesday 11 January 2012

Power of Humility

Napoleon Hill says, "Humility is the forerunner to success!" By humility Mr. Hill does not mean being meek and mild, or shy and withdrawn, what Mr. Hill means is to be aware that you don't know everything. If you remember this then you are always Exin EX0-104 exam capable of learning something from everyone you meet; even if it's a way how NOT to do something.
Until you humble yourself and accept the fact that you don't know everything and that everyone has something to teach you, you will not profit from the experiences and successes of others.
If you think about it success lies in our ability of knowing people, and the best place to begin to understand people is by starting with yourself. If you do not understand you how will you be able to understand others, and if you don't understand yourself and others how will you understand what is required to succeed?
Most people put forward a "fake" front when the venture out into the world so how do you discover who they really are? Information on understanding body language, as well as NLP, provides great information and techniques for getting to know a person's true personality.
You should study the posture of the body, and the Exin EX0-110 exam way they walk; the tone of the voice, its quality, pitch and volume; the eyes and how they move; and the use of words used when conversing with others.
To truly know someone you must be able to observe them in all their moods and take note how they act when; angry, loving, money is involved, eating, writing, in trouble, embarrassed, scared, joyful, winning, defeated, depressed, sitting alone, hearing of someone else's misfortune, someone else's success, and the other situations in life they find themselves.
Remember humility, do not judge when you do this, just take note of their actions as well as your own and compare them. What do you like about what you observe, what is it you dislike, what do you want to change about yourself after contemplating these observations?
Humility is understanding that you have more to learn and are learning it; understanding that just because someone has a degree that they cannot learn from someone who does not; it's understanding that everyone knows something they can teach you; and most of all its knowing that you are not better than others.
Humility is not judging others but judging yourself instead and making those tuff decisions to make you a better person in your own thoughts and mind. For in the end you are the only person you need to impress and respect in your life. It's great if you know others you respect but you only need to respect yourself.
Start getting to know people by getting to know yourself. Keep a notebook and write down your moods and how ST0-100 you react to yourself and those around you when you are in a particular mood. Do you like that person? Are you the person you want to be? Would YOU choose to be around this type of person?
Once you know yourself, decide what it is you want to keep and what it is you want to change then change. Do this before you judge anyone else and even then try not to judge others but only yourself.

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