Tuesday 10 January 2012

Opportunity Is Everywhere

Opportunities are all around you, they are in your current job, in your backyard, in your home, within your own body and mind, and all you need to do is notice them for what they are.
"Acres of Diamonds" is a great speech about true people who walked away from Exam Express EE0-150 fortunes because they failed to notice the wealth at their feet and went in search of it far away from where they lived.
One of the most overlooked keys to success is evaluating yourself and the place where you live. Look at yourself and your home with new eyes; try to look at it as if you were a visitor looking at it all for the first time. Write down what you see and make note of the skills and resources you notice.
Look at yourself and home with an open imagination and a sense of self-confidence that say, "I can do anything I believe I can do."
In "Acres of Diamonds" a young farm owner was told that if he found diamonds he would be extremely wealthy and could buy anything he would ever want; so the young man sold his farm and went in search of diamonds. He searched everywhere across Africa and Europe finding no diamonds anyplace; he was broke and shamed and threw himself off the Straights of Gibraltar.
The person who bought the young man's farm found diamond in the stream running through the property. The diamonds the young man sought was right under his very nose, he just never looked and saw what was there all along.
Another man wanted to get into the oil industry so he studied and learned everything he could about it; he sold his farm and moved to Canada to work in the oil industry. The person who bought his farm noticed a black scum on the side of the small stream that the cattle would not drink from; it turned out to be one of the largest oil finds in Pennsylvania.
Yet another Exin EX0-102 man who graduated from college with a degree in mining wanted to move west to look for gold; he sold his farm but stopped in the Midwest to work for a copper mining company, he never found anything. The person that purchased the farm found silver in the rocks making up the farm stone walls.
A woman was tired of the buttons on cloths so went about inventing something better, her husband thought she was wasting her time but she invented what today we call the snap button.
A man with almost nothing to his name and out of work was whittling a piece of wood one day when a friend suggested he should make toys for children. The only thing the man had was his knife and a stack 510-026 of firewood; which he used to make toys for kids. He sold the toys out of the store next to him and a stand in front of his house. He became a multimillionaire making children's toys.
Before you look elsewhere for success begin by taking a real good and renewed look at yourself and what there is around you; then figure out what you can do with what it is you already have. What skills do you possess, what knowledge, what do you have that you can offer someone else in return for profit and success.

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