Tuesday 20 December 2011

Overcome Your Negative Circumstances - Four Simple Steps to Effective Change

How many time have you heard, "for things to change, you have to change
Like me, you may know it's true but it does Brocade 143-510 exam us no good because we, as human beings, don't relish change. It's easier not to change, easier to maintaining the status quo even if it's painful.
Many of us endure painful situations for years because we learned that "the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know"
How do you step out of your comfort zone?

1. Recognize the realities of external circumstances.
There are many things we can change and much we can't. That's just the way life works. So heed this old proverb or prayer; To change the things I can change To accept the things I cannot change To have the wisdom to know the difference.
Accurately understanding the way things work is the first step to living intelligently in a complex world and an increasingly complicated society.
"The truth will set you free."
2. Different strategies
Einstein said that "insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results."
But, with a bit of forethought and planning, a different strategy could very likely produce the results we want. Of course there is a risk that things may not work out as planned, so be prepared and be adaptable. Let us keep playing the game until Brocade 143-360 exam we develop a few winning moves. That way we will gain some sanity and quite probably the things we want.
3. Different Outcomes
Like causes produce like effects. Orange trees always produce oranges, never apples or pears.
Different strategies produce different outcomes. The person who goes to night school to upgrade their qualification, expands their possibilities and horizons. The couple who decides to start a home business so that they can afford a better education for their children, create a different outcome for both their children and future generations as well.
Different strategies always result in different outcomes. And don't forget that sometimes small changes can make a massive difference. They often do. In Japan it's got a name, Kaizen and it underpinned Japan's industrial transformation after the second world war.
4. Different Environment
External circumstances may not have changed at all but, because we have changed within these circumstances, we have a different place and role within them. We have effectively changed our environment. We may be better positioned or qualified to take advantage of opportunities, we may be better equipped to handle a challenge.
Although the external circumstances may not change, our experience of it does.
People all around ISEB-SWTINT1 us may keep getting the same results they always have but, because we've changed our game plan, we experience things completely differently.
Wow! That's truly powerful.
We may not be able to shape our World
but we are able to shape Our world.

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